Chapter 18: Yoga

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Alaiya's POV:

"Autumn, could you please come with me? Dad and I have something to talk to you about," I say when I see that nobody will pay attention to us.

She nods as she puts her dolls down which she was playing with and walks with us to our bedroom. I shut the door behind us and when I look down, I see Autumn chipping off the skin around her nails.

"Am I in trouble?" Her sad, scared voice almost brings tears to my eyes.

"Come here." Roman scoops her up, falling back on the bed with her in his arms, earning a giggle from her.

Her curls get slightly in her face so she uses her tiny little hands to move them away adorably, her light brown eyes sparkling from the tears earlier that were about to make an appearance because she thought she was in trouble.

How did we create such beautiful kids?!

"Just because we want to talk to you, doesn't mean you're in trouble." Roman kisses her cheek and then pretends to gulp her neck, hitting her ticklish spot which makes her throw her head back in laughter.

I take a seat beside him and smile at the sound of her angelic laugh.

"Okay, mom and I have to ask you a question."

Autumn nods.

"Have you been having anxiety attacks?"

Autumn's face shows that she's in a bit of shock before she instantly looks down at her lap, giving us our answer.

"Princess, you have to tell us when they happen so we can help you." I brush her hair behind her ear to see her precious face.

She shrugs. "You guys looked busy."

I guess with all of the worrying about whoever this person is blackmailing us, we haven't given enough attention to Autumn's mental health as much as we should have.

"We're sorry we made you feel that way," I apologize on behalf of both of us.

I hate the whole 'Since we're parents, we should never have to apologize or admit we're wrong to our kids' mindset. Parents are humans too, so they're bound to make multiple mistakes, but if they don't own up for them, then what are we teaching our kids? Then they wonder why their kids don't reach out to them when serious things happen or even the small ones that build up to be big.

"But we want you to know that you can come to us with anything whenever you want, even if we look busy. We care more about you than anything else." Roman kisses her head.

She nods understandingly.

"Even when mom's being a control freak," Roman calls me out on something completely false for no reason whatsoever.

I am not a control freak!

"I am not," I state offended.

Roman looks over at Autumn who scrunches up her nose, giving a 'You kind of do' face. Roman looks back at me cockily.

I feel ganged up on.

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