Tape 2: Side B

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The two girls, Hannah and Courtney went to her house to go get equipment. They got cameras and other things they could use to get some evidence that someone was hiding and taking pictures of Hannah.


Screen pans out to see Tyler showing another student, Ryan, his films.

Tyler and Ryan talking about using his pictures of Hannah for the school paper.

RYAN: You really did capture her didn't you?

Tyler starts to look a little panicky and tries to ignore what Ryan said.

TYLER: Um. I've really got a lot of work to do. Do you think we could-

RYAN: Yeah.

Tyler quickly grabs his films of Hannah and leaves.


Tyler walks into the dark room to develop the film.

CLAY: You've got a real eye.

     "Oh shit Clay-Bells stop sneaking up on people you little shit." She said with a laugh making Clay just shake his head in amusement.

TYLER: Jesus, Clay. What are you doing in here?

CLAY: Just seeing what our prize winning photographer is working on. Interesting stuff.

TYLER: Wait. No. This is all for yearbook only. You're not supposed to be here.

CLAY: Really? You're gonna call me out on trespassing? I heard you're tape.

TYLER: And what throwing a rock through my window isn't enough?

CLAY: I didn't throw one.

TYLER: So what do you want then?

CLAY: I want you to delete the photos you took. Destroy the negatives or whatever. Or I'm turning you in.

      "Yeah. Buddy that's not gonna work." Alex said.

       "Turn one in turn us all in, including Cassie, me and yourself." Tony said.

TYLER: Turning me in? What, are you gonna turn everybody in? Justin and Alex?

CLAY: You stalked her.

TYLER: Im the student life photographer, okay?

     "I mean he won't get into any serious trouble simply because he took pictures, had trouble with Tyler once, some deputy said he couldn't do anything until he did something physically." Cassie said.

    Tyler turns to the girl wondering how she knew it was him. Cassie gave the boy an awkward sad smile and turned back.

       People turn their heads to the girl all wondering how the police or muggle aurors couldn't do anything.

TYLER: I stalk everyone. It's my job.

CLAY: That's a relief. Cause the first time offense is only six months in jail, which I'm sure it isn't cause Cassiopeia Ivy had the same problem a little while before Hannah's and a little after. But for repeat offenders that's a year.

TYLER: Thats not a thing.

CLAY: Criminal invasions of a minors privacy. Look it up.

      "Wait hold the fuck up. I mean no offense to Tyler or anything but your telling me that something could've been done about this shit?!"

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