Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Things were just going from bad to worse in Gotham. Since the death of the Mayor things had escalated. The people were in a frenzy and it seemed as if the criminals were taking advantage of it. The police definitely had their hands full. Bruce did too. What worried me the most was that the Mayor's killer had left a note for Batman. None of us could work out why, and Bruce didn't exactly tell me all the details and if I was being honest, I didn't want to know. The more I learned, the more at risk I was. The less I knew the better and I was okay with that because I trusted Bruce to tell me things when he needed to. Bruce was working harder to try and find out what was going on and I didn't complain. He had given me everything I wanted since getting back together and had been the best husband I could have asked for. If he was working more, it was only because he needed to. 

Currently, he was down in the Batcave looking through some video files. I had been to a meeting this morning and only just returned home. As I make my way down to see him, he turns his head when he hears me coming. A small smile appears on his tired face. 

"Well hello," I greet and he extends his arm out to me, putting his hand on my waist and pulling me in for a hug. He squeezes me and places a kiss on my head. 

"You okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. The real question is, are you okay?" I place my hand on his shoulder and look back at the television behind him. He keeps his gaze on the monitors in front of him. The news channel reports were really delving deep into the murder enquiry. 

First, it was Carmen Bianchi, and then Harry Montez. Now, this. And while Carmen's murder enquiry has been closed, many people still do believe that his killer is still out there. Are these murders linked in any way? 

I felt like the walls were closing in on me and images of Carmen's lifeless body on top of mine flashed into my mind. Memories of his blood all over my hands. I feel Bruce squeeze me gently and I snap my gaze back to him. He has a look of concern on his face. 

"Everything okay?" He asks clearly knowing I had been listening to the reporters. The one thing about Bruce is that he doesn't miss a trick. Even if you don't think he notices, you can guarantee he did. I take a moment to gather my thoughts and smile before brushing a strand of his hair away from his eyes.

"I'm okay," I reassure, but he didn't believe me and before he could say anything else, the noise of the elevator doors opening caught our attention. It was Alfred. I squeeze Bruce's arm before pulling away from him. "I've got some things to do. Don't stay down here too long." 

"I won't," Bruce mumbles as I make my way towards the exit, and squeezing Alfred's arm lovingly as I pass him. I figured the two would need to talk about business and despite Bruce not always being the best at assisting Alfred with it, I did my best to encourage him. Sometimes, I think it just slipped his mind. I know he did hate business meetings and I think he would have given it all up if he could. It's just not something he wants part of. I do my best to step in where I can, but there is only so much that I could do. I know that it was causing some tension between Alfred and Bruce so whenever they had the opportunity to talk between themselves, I left them be. As I make my way up the stairs (I hated the elevator), I stop when I hear Alfred say that Wayne Enterprise accountants are coming for breakfast in the morning. Alfred had already told me this before, and I did express my concern that Bruce wouldn't be too happy about them coming here, however, Bruce wasn't the easier of people to convince to go to meetings. Bruce said he would help, and he did, but lately, it was just more and more that was expected from him. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't change how Bruce felt about it. 

"Why?" Bruce asks, his tone filling with frustration. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I had been a little worried about this conversation. 

"Because I couldn't get you to go there." 

"I haven't got time for this." 

"It's getting serious Bruce. If this continues, it won't be long before you have nothing left. Isabella and I can only do so much." 

"I don't care about that." As I said, Bruce wasn't interested in the business. 

"You don't care about your family's legacy," Alfred argued. There had been many times I suggested selling the business or at least taking the weight off Bruce's shoulders, but Alfred insisted on how important it was. I understand that. I understood both sides. I just hated that it caused such friction between the two of them. 

"What I'm doing is my families legacy, but I can't change things here so stop mithering me about all of this. You're not my father." I was shocked to hear those words come out of Bruce's mouth. Deep down I know he didn't mean it, but I sure knew that it would have hurt Alfred. 

"I'm well aware," Alfred responds sadly. 

Knowing there was nothing that I could do to fix this, I take my leave up the stairs and head to my office to finish some paperwork I had to do for the children's home back at Wayne Manor. Things were still running smoothly and it had been a real success. The best part was that I could go and visit any time that I wanted. Today, however, I was struggling to concentrate and whenever I looked down at the words on the page, I couldn't help but see the note that my father's killer had left him. Your secrets safe with me. The words circled my mind. Usually, I wouldn't worry about this, and I was able to suppress it, but with the murder of the Mayor and the note left for Batman, it all just seemed strange. What if this was the same killer who murdered my father? The same killer that knows I killed Carmen. It was all getting a little too much and as I stand from the desk, I accidentally knock over my glass of water. I groan as it spills over the paperwork. Were things just going from bad to worse today? 

I start trying to save some of the documents and as I do, there is a knock at the door. I look up to see Bruce. I don't know how many times I've told him he doesn't need to knock. He sees that I'm struggling and makes his way over to me. 

"I'm probably the clumsiest person in Gotham," I moan trying to clear up the water, but Bruce takes hold of my wrists gently and makes me face him. The sight of him makes me relax and the warmth of his touch makes me want to lean into him more. I place my hands on his biceps and sigh as I rest my head on his chest before closing my eyes for a second. 

"What's going on?" He asks placing his hands on either side of my face and making me look at him. "I know you're not okay. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." 

"I'm just worried," I admit. "I can't stop thinking about everything that happened. What if this killer is the person that killed my father and the person that knows I killed Carmen. He's still out there, and-"

"Isabella," Bruce interrupts calmly. "Listen to me," he takes my hand and pulls me over to the sofa sitting me next to him. "I know you're worried, and I can't lie to you and say I'm not worried either. I can't promise this isn't connected because I really don't know yet, but what I can promise is that no matter what happens I'll make sure you're okay. Regardless, I'll do whatever I have to for you. No one is going to hurt you." 

Just sitting there in Bruce's arms made me feel protected. Every word he said, every kiss he gave, was everything to me. 


Hey!! I'm finally back. I know it's been a moment, but I've been planning the next part of this story. I didn't want to rush the next part of the story hence why it's taken me a while as I've really had to think about where it's going to go from here. I got a new job as well so I've been adjusting to that and dealing with everyday things which have meant I've been super busy. 

However, I hope you enjoyed this update. It finally has gotten the ball rolling and all I can that is I'm so sorry it's taken this long! How are you all? I hope everyone is doing really well. 

Does anyone have any thoughts on what might happen next? 

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