Season 4 Episode 9: I Know What You Did Last Summer

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*torture warning*
The Winchesters and Robin had been hustling pool. Sam considered himself a pool shark and had the pot up to a thousand. As he was about to break, he spotted Ruby had entered the bar.

"Keep the money" Sam told the leather clad enormous man he was playing.

Dean and Robin looked at each other, wondering what would make Sam walk away from the table. It was this time that they noticed Sam's attention had wandered off, followed by the rest of him. Dean followed his brother to the bar. Robin wasn't so keen to let her money got. She walked over to the table and fumbling her pool cue.

"You think I could join in" she asked, putting on her best doe eyes?

"Tell you what, sweetheart" he told her. "I'm ready to play if you want to sweeten the pot".

"What did you have in mind" she asked cocking an eyebrow?

"I win, you ditch those two" he motioned to the Winchesters, "and spend the night with me".

"I assume you're not talking about pillow fights and popcorn" she grinned?

"A little rougher" he chuckled.

"Ok" she nodded, what if I win?

"Another five hundred" he offered.

Surprised by the amount she laughed, "okay".

She fumbled her first shot, faking an embarrassed look.

The man sunk two balls before he missed his third shot.

She wasn't playing games anymore. She didn't spend every day after school at the roadhouse twiddling her thumbs. She cleared the table winning a grand total of fifteen hundred.

The man grabbed her arm, after she slid the wad of cash in her pocket. "You hustled me" he snapped.

"I did" she nodded.

"Maybe I think you owe me" he snarled.

"Honey, I already handed you your ass on the pool table" she warned. "Don't make me do it for real this time".

"You" he mocked her?

She made her eyes glow purple, "walk away".

Ruby shot past Robin, as she left the bar, "Singer" she acknowledged.

"Black eyed skank" Robin acknowledged in the same tone, as she counted the money dividing it into three. As she made her way to the boys, she handed each of them a wad of cash, "here".

"How the hell did you do that" Sam asked her laughing in disbelief?

"I'm actually better at pool than you are" she nodded, "you just never asked.

"How'd you get him to throw in an extra five hundred" Dean asked, also in disbelief?

"Sweetened the deal" she shrugged.

"We were out of cash, Robin" Dean snapped!

"Who cares I knew I'd win" she shrugged, trying to brush it off.

"You offered YOU" he asked?

"I didn't offer" she argued, "he asked".

"Oh that's so much better" Dean scoffed.

"What if you lost" Sam asked? "Didn't you once tell me? A bet's a bet".

"I didn't lose" she told them both, "get over it. What did bitch tits want"?

"She's got a case for us" Sam nodded.

"No she doesn't" Dean snapped, "she's got a wild goose chase".

"Do I get to hear about this and be the deciding vote" Robin asked condescendingly?

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