XX - I Know

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The party ran dead after a bit and the sun set as we cleaned up.

I saw Steven walking towards the beach, he didn't look so good. After I finished the dishes I went down to check on him.

Lucky me, I caught him right when he was leaving.

Double lucky me, apparently Jeremiah was with him.

"Where's he off to?" I ask coming up from behind.

"Shayla's, fixing the Taylor thing." He answers.


"He screwed up big." He sighs.

"And he wonders why I fart faced him." I laugh.

"That's what that was for?" He laughs.

"Duh." I say with a smile.

"Good thing I covered for you. He deserved that one." His face falls flat and our eyes meet.

"Yeah, he did.." I say slowly, not breaking the eye contact.

We both are silent for a while, thoughts running through our heads.

"I know you like Conrad." He says out of the blue.

I'm shocked so my brain reacts as fast as it can, "I know you like Belly."

We pause again.

"Where'd they go after clean up?" He asks.

"The peer." I answer.

Jeremiah starts walking up the sand hill towards the house.

"Where are you going?" I call.

"To the peer."

I follow Jeremiah over. We see Belly and Conrad by the railing.

At first I think nothing of it, but Jeremiah's suspicion is rubbing off on me.

And before I know it, they're leaning in.

My sister,

and the boy I've liked since I was a kid,

about to kiss.

Emphasize on about.

Jeremiah lights a firework and has it pointed to them, his face looks how hurt I feel. I no doubt am wearing the same expression.

"Holy shit." I duck down and pull Jeremiah down with me since he's in some kind of weird trance.

"Well, sparks are flying." He laughs sadly.

"Jesus, let's go." I pull him by the arm and sneak back inside the house.

i know // jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now