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" I keep seeing 222." I pouted. " Must mean I need to get ate."

" Please shut the fuck up." Ryan stared at me.

" You in my home." I rolled my eyes.

" Niggas move out and start acting funny." London shook his head.

" This my shit." Keyantae said patting his chest. " I built all this shit."

" Brick by brick."

" Y'all just be talking to hear yourself." I yawned. " I can't stand y'all."

" So sit down." Ryan stared at me.

" Ha ha very funny." I rolled my eyes. " What y'all want in return ?"

" Get my girlfriend back." Keyantae said making a sad face.

" Katy don't want you." I waved him off.

" Right right right." He said laughing. " Katy don't want me in front of y'all."

" Whatever you say." I laughed. " What you want Ryan."

" I want Kaleese."

" Here this nigga go." I laughed and Keyantae stared at him like he was dumb.

Kaleese was Ryan's ex but they were always off and on. We all knew he really loved her but he shouldn't because she was no good.

" Ain't she a dyke now." London furrowed his eyebrows.

" You throwed." Keyantae shook his head.

" I like girls who like girls what da hell." Ryan held his arms up.

" Man gone." I said as we all laughed.

My phone started to buzz and I looked down seeing text messages from an unsaved number.

(𝟒𝟎𝟒) 𝟖𝟕𝟔-𝟏𝟏𝟑𝟗

Damn you must've forgot
about a nigga huh ?

Who this 🤔🤔

Boujie ah



Omg hey

Ain no hey 😂😭

Imy 😢

Come see me den

I'll think abt it

Must be yo nigga stopping you

What nigga ?!?!?!?

Don't play dumb Zara

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