Pinball- Vance Hopper

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 You sighed, before crunching on the snack in your hand. You had been here watching your boyfriend play pinball for hours now, and it was starting to become boring. You were on your second helping of the snack, and it was not a small bag. 

Your boyfriend, Vance, was incredibly frustrated with the game. He was gnawing at his lip, his eyes focused, his curly blonde hair a bit tangled. His friend, Robin, was standing next to him, watching intently as Vance beat his very own record. 

His three other friends were also crowding around him, one of them still holding a pack of papers. You groaned, and said to the boy "hey, paperboy, can I read a paper?"

He looked at you confused, but handed you one while saying "yea sure". You opened the paper, reading about some random nicotine drama. You continued to read, before some boy bumped into the game, causing Vance to lose. 

You dropped the paper, shocked. You could see your boyfriend's face, and he saw red. Paperboy rolled his eyes, and mumbled "here we go again". Griffin, another friend, nodded in agreement. Bruce, another friend, rolled his eyes, and the last friend, Finney, stepped back nervously. 

Vance walked up to the boy, and after some angry words, you saw your boyfriends fist collide with that boy's face. You cringed, it looked painful. Robin, the second toughest in the group, attempted to grab Vance off the poor boy, but that did not work and Robin ended up with his nose bloodied. 

Finney ran to the bathroom, retrieving a paper towel, and handing it to Robin. Robin attempted to fix his injuries, or maybe just wipe off the blood, as Vance angrily beat on the boy who caused his record to come tumbling down. You looked at the screen, he was so close. 

Finally, the store worker had had enough, and finally walked over to invade the conversation. "You need to make up or get out!" she screamed, seemingly nervous. Finally, you had enough and grabbed his arm, dragging him off the boy. 

The other boys grabbed on also, and they all led Vance out of the store, despite his protests. He rolled his eyes, and Billy spoke up. "Holy sh*t Vance! You nearly killed him!" 

Griffin nodded, before saying "Yea looked pretty awesome though.." which earned him a shove from Robin, and you. "Just sayin" he mumbled, forgetting the y. 

"He deserved it" Vance hastily retorted, eyes still full of anger. "For what? Being shoved into the game?" you asked, now starting to get annoyed. People can't just go around beating other people up for stupid mistakes. 

He rolled his eyes, and you looked frustrated. "I'm going home." you said, before stomping away. You heard Vance say something in the distance, and you turned back around, yelled "Piss off Vance!" before catching speed.

Finally, you reached home. Sighing with relief. You then noticed a boy knocking on your door. It was Billy, who was out of breath, his freckles staring at you with sympathy. "Y/n! Vance wanted me to come get you! He says he needs to speak to you!" he said, in between breaths. You rolled your eyes, looked at Billy and said "tell him I'm not speaking to him, and not to use you as a damn puppy dog." 

You ran upstairs into your room, before crashing into your pillow. You had a TV in your room, and a VHS made just the year before. You grabbed the movies, and watched them for a couple hours, still angry. 

Around four hours and halfway into a third movie, you heard a harsh knock on your window. You rolled your eyes, and went to check. Lone behold, there was Vance, holding your favorite flowers, your favorite video and snack, with another bag in his hand. He looked at you, before saying "hey, babe. Open the damn window."

You sighed, still trying really hard to be mad at him. You opened the window, and he bounced in, carrying the bag. "Billy told me what you said." He sighed, as he dropped the gifts on your bed. "Yeah, obviously you did not listen." you retorted, eyes staring at the blonde boy in front of you.

He smiled, gave you the flowers, the snack, the video, and the bag. You put them down, smiled at him, before looking into the bag. It was a book you wanted to read, and a teddy bear. You turned around, hugged him, and smiled. "It's perfect!" 

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" he asked, smiling even wider. "Yes, dumbass" you smiled, and he sat on your bed. You unpaused your movie, and he looked at you confused. "What movie are you watching?" 

"Psycho!" you smiled, resting your head against his chest. "Ohhh okay. Are you scared?" he asked, and you looked up at him. "No" 

"Sure princess" he said, before paying attention to the movie. You looked at him again, before popping a question. "Hey Vance?" 

"Yes princess" 

"are you going to stop treating Billy like a dog?" 

"Yes, babe. Maybe I'll get free lemonade from his stand this summer." You rolled your eyes, hugging Vance. "Dude, you smell like weed" you said, sniffing again.

"Yeah, I had to calm down somehow. Sorry" he smirked, and you giggled. "You need therapy for your anger issues" you said, your head is still comfortably on his chest. 

"Maybe I do." he chuckled, kissing your forehead. You could feel yourself slowly drifting off to sleep, trying hard to stay awake. 

Vance was again, focused on the movie. It was the infamous shower scene, and he was practically laughing at it. You buried your head closer into his chest, still slowly drifting off. He looked down at you, smiled, and kissed your head again. 

"Go to sleep doll, I'm not leaving" he said, stroking your hair now. You yawned, before slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms. The love of your life was holding you to sleep, smiling as he watched the video. 

And maybe that, was all you needed. 

Sorry this one was so dramatic, I just kind of went with what came to mind. 

May I just say, yes the lemonade reference and Billy was on purpose.