Chapter 14-Tournament champions

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Ana's pov

After helping papa cleaned up his workspace in the lab, I took a bath and got changed.

After helping papa cleaned up his workspace in the lab, I took a bath and got changed

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I went to Papa's room and ask him to fix my hair.

" Little snake, when are you gonna learn to fix your own hair?," He asked, " Um, maybe never," I said, I heard him chuckled and braid my hair and place it on a ponytail.

" Thank you, papa, you're the best papa in the whole world," I said and hugged him.

" Thank you little snake, you're the best daughter in the whole world too, and I wouldn't ask for another," Papa said and pick me up, exit his chambers. going to the great hall for the triwizard tournament champions.

Third person's pov

All the students and staff have gather in the great hall for the choosing of the tournament champions.

" Now, the moment you all have been waiting for," Dumbledore shut all of the flames of the great hall and the goblet of fire's flames turned from blue to bright red and a paper appear.

" For the Beauxbatons academy of magic, the champion is fleur delacour!," The girls cheered in excitement for the blonde haired student.

" For dumbstrang institute, the champion is Viktor crum!," The boys cheered as well as some hogwarts students.

" For hogwarts champion, is Cedric Digory!," The last champion was annouced.

" Finally, we have our three champions!, but remember only one will win the triwizard cup," Dumbledore said, as he was about to leave, Severus noticed something in the goblet.

" Papa, what's wrong?," Ana asked.

" Something's wrong with the goblet of fire," Severus said. a paper jumped out from the goblet.

" Harry potter?," Dumbledore muttered.

The students began to whisper at each other. " No," Hagrid  muttered, wondering how did a fourteen year old boy got his name on the goblet.

" Harry Potter!," Dumbledore shouted for the boy's name, Harry got up from his seat and slowly walked to the elder professor uneasy about the stares of the students giving him.

" He's a cheat," A student said, Harry walked up to the staff table, where he met Snape's and Ana's glances.

Harry went to the room with the other champions who are as confused as he is.

" Quiet all of you, I can't think," Dumbledore said running straight to Harry.

" Harry, did you put your name on the goblet of fire?," " No, sir!,"

" Did you ask any of the older students to do it for you!?," " No, sir!," 

" Are you apsolutly sure about it?," " Yes, sir,"

" But of course he is lying," Madame Maxine said.

" Of course not, the goblet of fire is mystery and only the most powerful socereror could do it, not especially of a fourteen year old," Mad-eye said.

" You seem very ahead of this, Mad-eye," Igor spat on the ex-auror.

" It is the being of the order to do so," He said.

Ana was who trailing after her father, gripping on his leg. " Crouch, what should we do?," Dumbledore asked.

" The rules are settled, Mr. Potter has no choice, tonight, he is a triwizard champion," The staff glanced to the young boy.

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