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"No way! I don't kill people for fu... Well, I'm not a liar, so I'll tell you here and now. I do take amusement in ending people who crawl under my skin, but I say, don't accuse me of killing because it's fun. It puts blood on my hands that takes forever to wash off, and stains on my skirts." Mole snapped at Ezra's accusation of her just killing to kill.

Go off, queen! Tsukia hollered, cheering on Mole. Also, you ment hypothetically, right?


"Okay, okay!" Ezra held up his hands, "No offense!"

"Offense found, offense taken." Mole said, leaving Ezra glaring at her.

"Calm down, you two!" Allie sighed, placing her hand on Mole's. She had climbed up into the tree with the young rogue, leaving the boys on the ground, and them with an easy escape route if they felt cornered.

Mole stopped, but Ezra kept glaring. So, of course, Mole did the only sensible thing. She glared back.

The group had been talking for about an hour, but no personal nor friendly questions had came up, as Tsukia found sad. She was bugging Mole about it, too.

Moley Mole, ask Ezra his favorite color!

Mol-sky, ask Leif if he likes his wolf!

Mole! Ask Zane if he enjoys being a wise Gamma!

And every time, Mole shut her down with the same statement- I'll ask them when they ask me.


"So... just to calm things down, how about we resort away from bugging eachother and just chat?" Leif suggested, and Tsukia squealed in Mole's mind. Yes! Yes yes YES!

"I see no issue in that idea," Allie stated with a shrug, and no one argued.

The group was silent for a while. Even Tsukia, whom was rarely quiet, shut her mouth.

"This is awkward." Mole said the obvious. "Like, even my chatty wolf is quiet."

"Oh, Mole! Good idea! What are your guys wolves like?" Allie perked up.

"I'll start!" Leif said, proving even more to Mole how much of a dang freakin' social butterfly the young Alpha was. "Mine is cocky, rude, and thinks he's the best!" Leif tilted his head, looking like he was listening to someone, and said: "Oh, and aparrently according to him, he is the best and actually kind, loving, handsome, charming, and, yes, Atlas, I'm about to say that, the best."

"Hm, yeah, I'm getting the feel he's, you know, not the best." Mole snorted.



Oh, she's fierce! Atlas half growled-half purred. I like her!

But I am the best.

And I always will be the bestest best.

"I'll go." Mole held up her hand. "She's quite the excited lil' thing."

The conversation continued, and before the bunch knew it, another hour had passed of just laughing at eachother's wolf stories. Leif was slowly warming up to the rogue and loner.

Wow, they aren't too bad. Atlas thought. And hey, not too bad lookin' either!

Not at all. Leif agreed.

Not at all.

Mole sighed. "Guess what, Allie?"

"What?" The girls were casually talking, obviously saying the latest rogue gossip.

"So apparently, Judy and Judah got in this huge fight, right? And you know how Rudy's cannibolistic and Judy's sister?" Mole said, eating an apple she picked from a tree.

"Mhm, continue?"Allie rested her head on her hands, smiling.

"So, Rudy attacked Judah! And I watched it! She bit him!" Mole said, holding out her arms in amusement.

"What...?" Zane stuttered. "What the heck..?"

"Is Judah okay? I heard he started a book club the other week." Allie stated.

"Mhm, he did, and I believe he is. And guess what? Apparently Judy is going to agitate him by washing out her hair dye!" Mole said, earning a gasp from Allie.

"What is it with Judah and redheads? He's horrible." Allie snapped.

"He is! And guess what? He slept with Anna the other day..." Mole continued, but Leif drowned out her talking.

"They're... interesting." Zane mumbled.

"Very." Ezra agreed, but Leif was watching Mole, watching the way her eyes twinkled when she threw her head back and laughed, the sun's light falling into the pool of color. The golden, silver, and blue specks sparkling in the light. She flicked her dark brown hair out of her face and started messing with the blond tips.

Mole, speaking with her special accent.

Mole, laughing her special laugh.

Mole, being her simply special self.

Leif realized with a start what he was feeling.

Leif didn't just respect the fiery, fierce, and rude rogue.

Maybe... maybe I don't just like her like normal...

No, you don't, stupid. Atlas sighed. You're a god dang simp.

Leif chuckled out loud.

"Whats so funny?" Mole said, in between chuckles.

"Hm, speak for yourself." Ezra said, "He's probably laughing at Allie's joke."

"Pardon? Joke?" Leif tilted his head, "I was in my head."

"Okay, so give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a few hours." Allie giggled.

Mole snorted, laughing. Allie continued: "But set a man on fire..."

Mole and Allie finished in wobbly sync, laughing throughout the whole statement, "And he'll be warm for the rest of his life!"

Mole and Allie laughed, and Mole suddenly pointed out, "Look at Leif's face!" That caused the two to laugh even more.

A tear of laughter dropped from Allie's eye.

But a small little Mole fell out of the small tree.

"Mole!" Allie and Ezra laughed, while Leif and Zane yelled.

"I'm... I'm fine!" Mole groaned.

Leif rushed to her assistance and Allie followed. "I'm fineee!" The small rogue repeated. She did accept Leif's help in standing up, though.

"Well, I 'ought to be off. Judy promised I would get to loot Judah, if Rudy did finish him off." Mole squealed, walking off with a pep in her step.

"Bye...?" Leif said with a small wave.

"Bye." Ezra echoed.

"See you." Zane said quietly.

"I should follow her, make sure she doesn't praise Rudy's work." Allie said with a shrug.

The boys said their goodbyes, leaving the trio alone and shocked.

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