Ghost of a Touch

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A/n: Guys this was a writing prompt, not a vent. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, just wanted to make that clear.

The ghost of a touch from long ago,
still plagues me so deep in my battered soul.
So many are forced to sit in silence while the man who did it still roams free,
though they're all held captive by the horrid memories.

Fingers lingering in places I never wanted them to go,
i've been forced to do things no one should ever have to know.

I'm passing the time with my old razor blade,
wishing these memories would just go away.
Though I suppose it's my fault for pushing loved ones away,
pushed away help as my heart continued to decay.

Still left with that ghost of a touch,
now even people getting too close is far too much.
Left with no where to run,
wondering what I could have done.

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