Chapter 17

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I tried not to tremble as I entered the room, but could not help startling as Thomas slammed the door closed behind us

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I tried not to tremble as I entered the room, but could not help startling as Thomas slammed the door closed behind us. I focused intently on peeling my gloves from my fingers, and tried to ignore the anger emanating from him, juxtaposing his threateningly calm demeanour.

"You do not undermine me," he said, lighting a cigarette. "Do that again, Kimber, and I'll have you sent back to your father in pieces."

He threw the cigarette packet onto the table and sucked deeply, closing his eyes.

"You were being ridiculous," I said, thankful my voice did not shake. "As you are now."

"Do you know what the name Shelby means?" He asked.

"A little less than Kimber, but still something, I'm sure."

He blinked. "You're going to regret this," he said softly.

Thrills leapt through my stomach. "Is that so?"

He moved towards me, his footsteps echoing menacingly on the wooden floor.

"What will you do, Shelby?" I asked. My voice quivered, finally threatening to betray me.

"I have ideas that'll make those handcuffs look like bracelets of gold," he said quietly.

Anger flashed through my eyes. "Each time you mention those stupid handcuffs, I come closer to putting a gun to your head."

"That would be frightening. If you had a gun."

"I've stolen yours before. I'll do it again."

"Is that why you wanted to share a room so badly?" He came closer again. Another footstep echoed. "To steal my gun?"

His voice sent shivers down my spine. But I wasn't going to admit it. "You scared the concierge," I said.

"I'm a scary man."

"You made him very nervous." My voice quieted now he was close. It was as though each time he came within six inches of me, my head became muddled and clouded.

"Do I make you nervous?" Tommy Shelby murmured, lightly grazing his knuckles across my cheek.

I didn't realise I'd been holding my breath until I released it, in a long sigh, my lungs already clenched for more.

"Careful now," Tommy warned. "I wouldn't lie if I were you."

His fingers curled gently around my jaw as I answered. "You kidnapped me. Of course I'm nervous."

"But you're not kidnapped now, are you, Kimber?"

My jaw clenched. He'd trapped me with words. "No."

"No," he agreed, voice soft as silk.

Possibilities ran through my mind. Because I plan to kill you when this is all done. Because I want revenge. Because Arthur told me not to trust you, and I still have no idea why.

Kimber's Daughter - Tommy Shelby x Reader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now