chapter twelve

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"I swear I could nap and wake up two days from now." Studying wasn't apart of Atticus' lifestyle. No matter what the exam was on, he'd be winging it everytime because he's simply lost faith in himself at a young age. Thanks a lot Mr. and Mrs.Bulstrode.

Sitting in the library and trying to sleep, Nora rolled her eyes as she kicked his leg to wake up, making him practice for his herbology class. "Then you'll be right on time for the test because it's on Tuesday, not Monday."

Groaning and laying his head back on the table, Nora was done writing down questions for Atticus to have, almost like a mini test that could help him as Nora would mark it. "Here, you got ten minutes, should take you about 7 though."

Handing him the parchment and seeing her finger bleed from the parchment, almost  giving her a paper cut that looked too deep for her own good. "I'll be back." Nora said, quickly standing up and wishing she had tissues. The fact she wasn't phased from bleeding was normal for her, of course she wasn't phased from blood or gore like this, thanks to Bellatrix and Rodulphus having fun using her as a toy when they were in 7th year, getting to use magic outside of Hogwarts.

Walking to the hospital wing and seeing the doors closed, Nora opened them as she saw a boy sleeping on one of the beds. "Miss.Black?" Madam Pomfrey asked, having a little bit of concern. "Got cut, I can clean it myself but I do need a bandaid." Nora said, showing her whole left index finger pretty bloody. "Go sit on that bed as I get the supplies." Pomfrey ordered, the one by the boy.

Obeying and sitting on the edge of the bed, Nora's legs were barely touching the ground, she swung them back and forth, wearing her favourite pair of black jeans and her grey top, perfect outfit for the cold weather today. "Pomfrey I swear I'm fine, classes resume soon, I think I'm fine." Said the boy under the sheets who sounded very familiar.

"Mr.Lupin, you are indeed not fine! Now take the covers off your face before you faint." Pomfrey scoffed, gently taking the sheets off and exposing his face. "Lupin?" Nora asked, getting him to turn. "Hello Nora, alls well?" Lupin teased, having a raspy voice.

His face looked different, fresh wounds and scars all over him. Nora observed as Pomfrey came to Nora and cleaned it. "You need to stop studying less, you high achievers are going to hurt yourself sooner or later."

Laughing and smiling at Madam Pomfrey, she had forgotten her glasses in her office, telling Nora she'll be back. "Why are you here?" Nora politely asked, putting her feet on the bed, watching Lupin struggle a little to sit up. "We were fooling around the whomping Willow and I got hit, Sirius and James too did too but they walked out a while ago." He said, avoiding eye contact.

That's not why.

"Oh I've been there." Nora scoffed, remembering that memory. "Pray tell?" Lupin asked, being intrigued.

"Was trying to learn how to do a cartwheel in first year, and nobody told me about how the tree can hit back, my arse hurt for weeks." She smiled at the memory. "Sounds harsh." Lupin said, smiling a little.

Pomfrey came back to cleaning the wound of Nora smiling brightly, turning to see three boys come back into the hospital wing with food. "Boys I've told you many times when to visit, why don't you listen?" Pomfrey sighed out, wanting a break. Sirius was holding a pack of chips when he saw his twin sister sitting and judging the three lads for walking like their life depended on it.

"Whats wrong with you?" He asked, coming over to see her get a cut for the millionth time. "I've been asking myself that for 16 years." Nora mumbled under her breath.

"Hello Nora, Poppy." Potter smiled at the two. "Pothead." Nora greet back, rolling her eyes when he wasn't looking. "Arse." She said, getting a look from pomfrey.

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