Chapter Two: Lost in Time

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Hermione woke up in a cold sweat to find she had not only a splitting headache but also blood covering her upper lip. She slowly sat up as her vision blurred with every movement. She wiped the blood from her lip with the back of her hand and looked around, trying to remember exactly what had happened through the fog in her mind. Her neck ached as she attempted to turn her head, finally realizing with a start that she was still in the headmaster's office. With a small jolt and the fog clearing in her rattled mind, she remembered everything; the final battle, her visit with her deceased headmaster's portrait, and her slight impromptu travel through time. She bent forward and placed her head between her legs. With a small sniff, she looked beside her and groaned in embarrassment as another wave of nausea hit her. With a small flick of her wrist, she used wandless magic to vanish the mess she had made on Dumbledore's rug. She sat with her eyes closed, needing a moment to gather her thoughts she was grateful she had arrived in an empty office. She took in a few deep breaths to try to ease the throbbing ache in her heavy head. Ok, she was in the past with no intention of ever returning and even if she did, it would no longer be the world she had left behind. She was sent here to fix the mistakes of the past and save everyone she cared about. She could do this! A melodic chirping filled the air, interrupting her internal pep talk, and Hermione was slightly comforted to see Fawkes standing on his golden perch, stretching his long and beautiful wings. Hermione stood shakily and tried to stay balanced as she walked over to greet him. He tilted his head at her as if to ask who she was to disturb him.

"Hello, Fawkes. You don't know me yet, but in my time we are great friends," she said, slowly reaching towards him, remembering the need to ask for his acceptance.

The golden-red Phoenix bowed his head to her, and Hermione was overjoyed for this small victory. She ran her hand against his head and enjoyed the simple reminder of her own time.

"Where is your master, Fawkes?" Hermione whispered, earning a bite from the temperamental bird.

"Ow! Ok, I get it! You don't have a master," Hermione said, placing her now bleeding finger in her mouth with a grumble.

Fawkes chirped and leaned his head back towards her. Hermione sighed and continued petting the beautiful creature. A small hiss, like air escaping a tight enclosure, came from behind them and Hermione spun around with her wand clutched so tightly her knuckles were white with strain, at the ready for any danger. A bookcase was slowly opening, a hidden door amongst the rows of stacked tomes, revealing a familiar genial old man wearing the brightest shade of purple Hermione had ever seen. He had yet to look in her direction as he was talking to a young man dressed in black. Hermione knew immediately that the elderly man was none other than Albus Dumbledore; "Who else would dress in a purple set of robes covered in silver stars?" she thought to herself. With a pang of shock, Hermione realized she also recognized the young man with him.

The boy's greasy black hair and patented sneer were a dead giveaway. Hermione paled as her menacing future Potions Professor turned his head and locked eyes with her. His dark eyes were almost as black as his hair and left her feeling like she was twelve years old again, praying for his acceptance and a good grade. Outstanding grades she received, yes, however his praise and acceptance was a fool's dream. He tilted his head at her, an almost funny reminder of the way Fawkes had only moments ago, and for some reason Hermione smiled at him and lifted her hand into the air, sending him a quick wave. She wasn't sure what had led her to do something so silly and juvenile, she chose to blame the small bout of sympathy she had for the boy after learning all about what he had done for them in the war. This wasn't the man she had known, not yet, but he was the young boy with an abusive father and a problem with bullies. She hoped that Severus Snape was someone she could save and maybe give him a life away from crazy Dark Lords and meddling headmasters.

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