Chapter Four: Remembrance

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A light tapping on Hermione's forehead forcibly pulled her from a fantastic dream that she was back in the common room, surrounded by her boys and laughing over teaspoons, and alerted her that she was no longer alone in the room. She could smell eggs and bacon somewhere nearby so she guessed it was Leesy bringing her breakfast. She pushed the warm and wrinkled finger away from her forehead and grumbled incoherently as she rolled away from the eager elf. She pulled her pillow over her head and allowed the memories of the day before to swim through her mind; a reminder of her new task. Save the world. 'Well that should be easy enough,' she thought bitterly.

"Mistress must get up! Leesy has things to do today, Mistress," the elf pouted from the other side of Hermione's pillow-covered face.

Instead of answering the elf, she rolled onto her stomach and put both hands on the pillow, hiding away from the morning light as she hid her head beneath it. She knew that it was ridiculous, but if she didn't get up then maybe none of this would be real. Hermione internally rolled her eyes at herself and grumbled silent profanities, ones her mother would shudder to hear her say. She silently thanked Ron and Sirius for the knowledge she had of proper curse words, a silent pang of regret taking hold as she remembered the late graying wizard covered in tattoos. She could hear Lessy stomp her tiny foot beside her and she bit her lip in an attempt to keep from smiling.

"Mistress Mione, you be getting up now whether you like it or not! I gives you to the count of three, then Lessy be taking matters into her own hands!" the elf said with an irritated huff.

Hermione knew she shouldn't be pushing the little house-elf, but she was feeling particularly reckless and vengeful today. The stress of everything was finally getting to her and her mood was unstable. She lifted her hand into the air and ushered the little elf away from her with a wave of her hand. She had no plans to get out of bed yet; she had no classes today and wanted to hide away for a bit.

"Ok, Mistress asked for it," the elf said.

Hermione pulled the cover over her shoulders with a huff.

"One," the elf started.

When Hermione ignored her she felt the cover jerk away from her body and land on the floor. Before she could uncover her head she heard the elf snap her fingers and a splash of ice-cold water drenched her. She bolted up with a loud screech. The bottom of her hair stuck to her neck but the rest had been protected by the pillow. Hermione jumped from the bed and slid across the hardwood floor before landing on her bottom with a huff of breath. From the other side of the room, she could hear Lessy laughing hysterically.

"You cheated! That was the count of one, not three!" Hermione protested.

She fumbled across the room for her wand. She pushed her hair back and ignored the hysterical elf as she flicked her wand. Her clothes and hair dried instantly. She loved magic. She narrowed her eyes at Leesy and sent a tickling jinx in her direction. The elf screeched and fell to the floor, her laughter bringing a smile to Hermione's face.

"Leesy warned Mistress," the elf said in between giggles.

Hermione dried her bed and sat down at the table on the other side of her room where Lessy had laid out breakfast.

"I'm sorry for my poor attitude, Leesy. I'm not myself today," Hermione apologized.

The elf, who was dressed in a bright yellow dress, nodded her head with a smile.

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