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(Y/N) was in her hotel room asleep, she started tossing and turning, within a few minutes she awoke with a gasp, she started breathing heavily. This nightmare had been happening for about 3 nights since she was told that her best friends Luna and Naomi were killed in a car crash, only Beau knew about this. She couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning she carried her stuff to the tour coach, and got on. Kelly and James went on after her. (Y/N) sat down and rested her head against the window, closing her eyes, hoping to get some sleep. James watched her closly "I'm worried about (Y/N)" he said "I know, I think we all are" Kelly said "Let's leave her to get some rest."

The nightmare made it's way back into (Y/N)'s dreamless sleep, she awoke, she let a tear slip down her cheek "(Y/N) are you okay?" James asked "Yeah, I'm fine" (Y/N) said wiping the tear.

They arrived at the arena for the nights show, (Y/N) took her handbag and made her way to dressing room and locked the door. She thought of many ways to get rid of the thought of her friends dying. One of her friends gave her small bottles of strong alcohol, she thought about drinking on the coach. She started to cry. She took 6 of the 8 bottles out of the box and drank them, the label on the box says to drink no more than 2 at a time. She thought about drinking the other two but she just them left them in box. She started to feel ill. (Y/N) sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

The show was about to start.

Kelly knocked on (Y/N)'s door "(Y/N) are you sure your okay?" she asked. There was no reply. Kelly knocked again (Y/N) are you in there?" she asked, still no reply. Kelly tried to open the door "Damnit, it's locked." "Is (Y/N) coming?" James asked "I can't get in, she's locked the door" Kelly replied "She's in there alone and not replying?" Beau asked, "Yeah, Why?" James asked "Her friend bought her 8 bottles of strong alcohol and she's been having this nightmare about her friends who died in that car crash" Beau said. "Someone kick the door down" Kelly said. Beau kicked the door in.

Kelly went in first followed by James, Beau had started to clean up the mess. "I'll talk with the stage manager, Kelly you take her to the coach and get Chiles to bring her bag" James said. Kelly helped (Y/N) off the floor and took her down the hall, Chiles was stood outside the backstage room, there was a trash can between them. "Chiles would you and grab, (Y/N)'s bag and coat and take it on the coach" Kelly asked "Yeah, sure" Chiles said. (Y/N) could feel the burning sensation of the alcohol in her thoat, she coughed and the coughed again before throwing up in the trash can, Kelly held her hair back. James came back "I thought you'd be in the coach by now, I got the show canceled" he said, (Y/N) lifted her hed up, "The crowds are gonna be there, we can't have them seeing her like this , it's not fair on her" Kelly said "Just follow me I try something" James said "You okay to carry on?" Kelly asked (Y/N), she just nodded.

Once they were outside "Can you all take 4 steps back away from the coach" James said, the crowd obeyed "Please can you all be quiet as we get (Y/N) on the coach, she hasn't been well tonight. We want her to be as comfortable as possible" James said. Kelly brought (Y/N) out and got her on coach, James got on and they drove away.

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