33| Envy

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Chapter 33: Envy (Christian's POV)

"Excuse me," I said to the woman sitting behind the desk at the entrance of the boutique. 

She glanced up at me and then resumed making whatever list she was making. 

"Me synchoreís," I huffed, resting my arms on the table. Excuse me. 

"You don't have to speak Greek to get her attention," someone else spoke, stopping at the table. The woman's face was unfamiliar to me, but judging from her attire, she was the owner. In her white pantsuit, her hair in a tight french bun, and the red lipstick, she looked to be about my mother's age. "Páo," she barked at the girl sitting at the counter. Go. "What can I do for you, Mr. Lukov?" 

"I assume you're the owner," I said. 

"I sure am," she nodded. 

"I would like to purchase a dress. My fiancé just tried on a wedding dress. I'd like you to bill that to me without anybody knowing. Even her." 

"And your fiancé is?" 

"Jules Declan." 

"The groom's sister," she stated. "All right. I'll have an employee grab the dress and pack it. Anything else?" 

"The cocktail dress she's purchasing. Bill that to me as well." 

"Consider it done," she smiled before going into the next room. She returned minutes later empty-handed and while I paid for the dress, a different employee walked out with both dresses packed in separate boxes. "The wedding dress, Athena. We'll ship it to New York," the owner said, glancing at me as she handed me my black card. "Consider it our treat to the future bride." 

Pausing, I tucked my wallet back into my pocket. "Thank you." 

"My pleasure. Just write your address down for me, please." 

I gave all the information required before taking a seat on a free chair as some of the women finally began trailing out, starting with Naomi. 

"Hey," she grinned at Alex who sat on the couch before falling into his lap. 

"Hey," he smiled, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek and I swear, that was the first time I saw the man grin so wide like a Cheshire cat. 

While we all continued waiting, Naomi turned to me, still in Alex's lap. "So, Christian, how long have you and Jules been together?" 

"Two years," I lied smoothly, ignoring Alex's glare. 

"She doesn't mention him a lot, does she?" Alex questioned, lifting a bold brow at me. 

"Well, he's my secret to keep," Jules said, stopping in front of me while glowering at Alex. All three of us turned to her as she faced me. "Move. I want to sit," she mumbled. 

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