(2/2) Chapter 5 - We have a problem doctor, big problem

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งานเข้าครับหมอ งานเข้า - We have a problem doctor, big problem

Prince who has blacked-out and fell onto the floor has 2-3 bruises is now fighting with something called 'wine karen'. The village chief did not say what it was made of but when they tried to taste it a little, the smell of alcohol was really strong to the point where they might pass out just by drinking one glass.

"Uh I think that Nong just fainted earlier, it's the best to not let him drink"

"(Thai Northern dialect) He can drink, everyone can drink. It increases your strength, you can run down the mountain just by drinking one glass"

"(Thai Northern Dialect) It is true. Nong Prince just try it, it is good"

"Uhh...Prince, I think it's better not to drink it" JJ whispered to Nong who was making a troubled face. After he slept for about 2 hours, the heart of Omgoi then woke up with a confused face. Apologize to them for causing them trouble. This child fainted because he did not have enough sleep, was busy running and doing too many works but still come and apologize to other people.

He's definitely an angel.

Angel of Omgoi.

"How about this, I'll drink first"

"If it's not strong, we'll let Prince drink"

"Okay krab" Mesa and JJ who understand the culture here, if an adult offers anything, they have to accept it. They receive the glass with alcohol and the liquid is murky white...just by the smell that blows past by the wind makes them aware that it's able to drunk the entire elephant. The limitation should be at least 5 glasses, they heard that the alcohol here is the best!

"Come on Mesa, we are gentleman"


(Clink) !

The two gentlemen clink the glasses before closing their eyes and drink the karen liquor down their throat. Mesa and JJ made a weird face before screaming till the elders at the wedding laughed.

"(Thai Northern dialect) These two gentlemen are officially drunk!"

"(Thai Northern dialect) Come on, one more glass"

"Sure uncle, sure! It's really great"

"I would like one more glass"

"Uh..." Prince that is looking at Phi, who had their face lit up immediately after shoving the liquor into their mouth. The music that was sing by the girls in the party made them send more alcohol into their mouth.

Prince has grown up, it should be fine by just drinking a few glasses just to make the villagers happy. Plus, tomorrow is Saturday, he doesn't have to teach the students, it is okay to sleep till 3am. To be honest, he's feeling sad as someone told him that he will call but until now he did not receive any phone calls.

"(thai northern dialect) N'Prince is good"


The voluntary teacher finished one glass at once and closed his eyes because of the strong taste of alcohol flowing down his throat. It's not because he has never drank before. But this is stronger than vodka.

"(Thai northern dialect) Gentlemen, one more glass"

"Yes, come on!"

"Come on!" JJ who has already half gone because he drinks 3 glasses in a row said together with a groan. Once the liquor goes into his mouth he begins to have fun with the celebration. Prince couldn't do anything because the 2 older who said that they will be the ones that try out the alcohol for him, end up drinking it like it is plain water while receiving another glass from the uncle.

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