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"Who was that?" Flynn asked as she appeared from the doorway of Rooster's bedroom. 

"Melissa is back" 

"What?" she questioned, not sure if she heard him correctly. 

"It was Melissa. And Hangman told her you were here" 

Flynn's face went a bright shade of red. 

"What did you say?" 

"I told her you weren't here" 

"Fuck," Flynn cursed. 

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Rooster cupped her face with his hands giving her a reassuring kiss. 

"Roos if she finds out, I am fucked, we both are" 

"I'm not gonna let that happen okay?" 

Flynn also felt betrayed by Hangman once again, it was becoming quite the occurrence. Of course he would tell Melissa that she was with Rooster, it was out of spite. And before she could stop herself she decided to message him. 

Flynn: I feel like a fucking idiot for even thinking about forgiving you so we could at least try and be friends. Telling Melissa that I was with Rooster is the lowest thing you could have done. You can't stand to see someone have something you can't have. I hope you're happy with yourself Jake. Me and you are done. 

Hangman was very drunk by the time he had received that messaged, yet seeing those words from Flynn seemed to sober him up. He had messed everything up once again because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. 

"Bagman, want another?" Phoenix offered when she was at the bar. 

"Nah, I'm gonna head home" 

"I thought you were the life of the party" 

"I need to go home," he mumbled before calling a taxi and heading back. 

As soon as he got inside, he got his phone out and began frantically ringing Flynn. But of course, she never answered. So he left her a load of drunken voicemails. 

"Flynn I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I wanted to hurt Melissa. Seeing her after what she did I just wanted to hurt her like she hurt me. Please, I need to talk to you. Flynn I love you. You're making a mistake with Rooster, and I know that is ironic coming from me after the things I've put you through but please listen to me. He doesn't love you. He loves Melissa. He is using you to get back at her. Please, you need to believe me. Flynn, I know you hate me and I don't deserve you but please if not for me, then for yourself. Don't stay with Rooster" 

Flynn let out a quiet sob as she listened to the voicemail in the bathroom. She didn't know what to believe. There was no way she could believe Hangman, not after what he had just done to her. Hangman didn't care about anyone but himself, so why was the voicemail scaring her? 

"Hey, are you okay in there?" Rooster asked, knocking on the bathroom door lightly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," she answered, wiping the few tears away with her sleeve before getting up and leaving. 

"Everything is going to be okay. You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you right?" Rooster reassured, pulling her close to him, once again. 

"I know," she smiled at him. 


Hangman was a mess. He was pacing up and down the apartment he was staying in, not knowing what to do. He had let the girl he love slip right through his fingers. There was no way on earth that she would ever listen to him again. And it was all his fault. He knew Melissa would not stop until she got the truth. She had always been the same persistent, ruthless woman. That was what attracted her to him in the first place. That and she was a challenge as she was with Rooster. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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