Please make it better!- CG!Steve x Little!Reader

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Warning: mentions of periods and cramps
You laid on the couch with Steve, in pain. Sadly, it was your special time of the month and just to make things better, you were regressed to a relatively young age. Whenever that time rolled around, it would be so hard to regress for a number of reasons. For instance, the special time was something only big girls experienced. And you didn't want to be a big girl! It made you feel weird and humiliated. It didn't help that Steve needed to change you often, which you never enjoyed. It was all just so upsetting!

Steve gently rubbed your stomach as you let out another whine. "I know baby...." he said softly. You moved again in an attempt to get more comfortable. You just wanted this to be over! You felt tears prick your eyes as you looked up at Steve with pleading eyes. Steve bent down and placed a kiss on your forehead. "I'm sorry pretty girl. I'd take it all away if I could." Steve said while gently pulling you into a sitting position on his lap.

You let out another whimper and leaned into him. Steve gently stroked your hair and kissed your head. "Alright. I think you could use a hot bath, what about you?" Steve asked playfully as he tilted your head up to look at him. You shrugged, moved your head to his chest, and cuddled into him. Steve sighed a bit and moved a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "You're really not feeling well, huh?" Steve said softly. You looked up at him and nodded with a sniffle.

Steve nodded and wiped your eyes of the fresh tears coming on. He then hoisted you up and stood, making his way to the bathroom with you on his hip. After what felt like forever to you, you both made it to the bathroom. Steve gently sat you on the ground and tried to ignore your cries for his warmth as he turned on the water. He quickly made sure the water was the perfect temperature as well before going back to you.

Steve gently took you back in his arms and began to slowly undress you. Once that was done and over with, he sat you in the bath tub and started putting in a few toys. Steve started the wash your body gently while you sat there, in pain. You glared at the red tinted water and sniffled a bit. While the bath was helping, you still felt annoyed and gross. You looked over at Steve and watched as he scrubbed your arm clean. "Almost done, sweetheart." Steve said softly. You nodded and went back to pouting at the water.

Steve let out a sigh. The bath helped a little, but you were still miserable as ever. Steve checked his watch and realized he could give you another painkiller right about now. He'd given you one a few hours earlier, but they were strong and didn't kick in until later. No one would believe it, but you were feeling ten times worse before taking the medicine. "Alright baby. Time for one more painkiller." Steve said softly.

You looked at Steve and let out a tiny whine. Big you never minded, but little you hated medicine. It never mattered what medicine, all of it was pure evil. "I know, lovey. But it'll make you feel so much better. Trust Daddy." Steve said softly. You huffed and crossed your arms, looking straight forward and away from him. "Hey. Easy with the attitude. I'm just trying to help you." Steve said, getting a little annoyed. You looked at him and sighed with a nod. You didn't like to make him upset, mood swings or not. " 'Kay. M' sowwy Daddy..." You said looking at him with a small frown.

Steve softly smiled and booped your nose. He wasn't actually annoyed, but he didn't really need the attitude. "It's fine, sweetheart. I know you're frustrated and in pain. I'll let it slide. This time though." Steve said playfully. You giggled a bit and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, baby. Now let's get you into some pajamas and then I'll give you the painkiller." Steve said, grabbed a towel and picking you up, simultaneously wrapping the towel around you. He then sat you down on the floor and grabbed grey sweatpants, a pink t shirt with flowers on it, and a diaper.

"Lay down for me, hon." Steve said. You nodded and laid down, letting Steve diaper you and put your sweatpants on. He pulled you up and gently lifted your arms. He then pulled the t-shirt over your head and tickled your sides, making you giggle uncontrollably. "Daddy stopppp......" You laughed. Steve laughed with you and stopped, picking you up and standing. "Right. Ready?" Steve asked. You sighed and nodded. Steve ripped open the packaging and held the medicine in front of you. You slowly took it and swallowed it as quick as you could.

You shook your head after and took the water Steve had put in your sippy cup earlier. "Good job pretty girl! All done, no more after that."  Steve said as you drank from your sippy. "Yucky." You said plainly. "Yeah. Yucky. But you're all done now. And for being such a good girl, I think a reward is necessary." Steve said, kissing you head. You gasped and looked up at him. Steve chuckled and nodded, taking you downstairs to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, Steve sat you down on the counter and dug through the cabinet. He pulled out a jar of chocolate chip cookies and took your sippy, making angel milk for you as well. Once he finished, he gave you your sippy and grabbed a plate for the cookies. He quickly placed a few on the plate and gave it to you. You smiled brightly and began munching on cookies while drinking your milk. By now, your period was long forgotten and you couldn't have been happier.

"Tanks, Daddy." You said while chewing. Steve chuckled and grabbed a cookie for himself. "No problem, baby girl." Steve said, taking a bite from his cookie.

Okay so that took way to long. But anyway, hoped you liked it!
- Zoe

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