Chapter 1

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I sat there watching the TV. Tony stark had just returned from being kidnapped, and he looked awful. He looked directly into the camera, and I tensed. I buried my face into Edward's chest and sobbed. "What's wrong, honey?" He asked me while rubbing my back soothingly.
"He looks so beat up. How can anyone be that evil to a man who was doing nothing wrong?" Edward chuckled.
"Only you can see the good in everyone, Aubri. Only you." In the corner of the room, Jasper frowned.

Ten months later. Aubri P.O.V.
I waved to Edward and got into my car. Bella shot me a glare, but I didn't care. I was happy for them. Sure, I was sad for myself, but if worse comes to worse, I can always move to New York. Carlisle had promised me he would take me there to see the new Stark Tower and had told me we could look for apartments as well. I still technically had two years left in Forks for high school, but if I wanted to leave, I could.

My name is Aubri Hale and I am a copycat. I can replicate any vampire or shifter gift. It also applies to humans, but they don't always have gifts. I am a half-human half-vampire and I am 80 years old and I was married to Edward.

I got home quickly, beating Edward and Bella. I ran to my room and started packing. Edward was bringing Bella to meet everyone today and I wanted to be ready to go in the morning. I also didn't want to be rude and leave early when we had guests. I heard the door open and I heard laughter. I walked down the stairs and sat on the countertop. I reached into Rosalie's bowl and stole a piece of salad. She gave me a look but kept on stirring.

"Tastes great! Thanks, mom!" I call her mom because she found me as a baby all those years ago. Carlisle and Esme are my grandparents for all intents and purposes. Alice, Jasper, and now Edward were my siblings in my heart. Emmet was the best dad ever.
I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Bella walk in.

"Great. Here comes the loser and her even worse boyfriend. She screamed your name last night. Did you not care, or were you not home or what?" Rosalie's words were not needed for now.

"Momma, it's ok! I had a nightmare last night about Iron Man attacking us and Edward got killed. I am always sad if a sibling of mine gets killed in dreams." I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Momma? What are you, five?" Bella sneered.
"This is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes," Edward spoke to distract her.
"You gave us a reason to use the bigger pans we have!" Esme gushed while hugging Bella.

"She already ate," Edward said. Rosalie almost dropped the salad bowl. I caught it just in time.

"Of course how kind of you," Carlisle said. "Rosalie. Take the bowl to the table and set a spot for Aubri. She just gets leftover Italian now." I nodded and went to the fridge. I grabbed a glass of blood and went to my spot at the table. It took mom a few seconds, but she soon joined me. Dad was laughing at something Bella had said.

"Does he want to adopt her too?" I asked mom. She smiled sadly.
"Yeah. I told him no, we were happy with you, but he thinks you want another sister. "
"If you find someone like me, I would love another sibling. Otherwise, no. I think our Coven is big enough." I crossed my arms and pouted. Dad came in and stole a drink of my blood.

"Daddy!" I shrieked and chased him around the table. I caught him quickly and grabbed my glass from him. "Get your own. Don't drink mine!" I glared at him.

"Sorry, Aubri. I just am going to miss you while you are in New York City! How can I bother you there?" He ruffled my hair and I growled. Bella squeaked in the doorway.

"Sorry! I was just following Edward when I heard something from in here. I will leave you now." She ran whispering stuff along the lines of please don't kill me. I giggled a bit.
"Are you all packed? Do you need help?" Mom asked me with a grin.

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