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Move to the right a little."

"A bit more."

Jaehyun grumbled at Taeyong's nitpickiness. "Okay, smile." He says, taking a couple of shots before relaxing their positions.

"Jae! What's with the face?!" The older whined, showing him the pictures where Jaehyun held a customer service grin.

"Does it look bad?"

"Yeah! I can't post this with you looking like you've just killed someone!"

The younger bursted out laughing, holding the pouting Taeyong by his waist. "One more? Pleaseee?" He stretches the word cutely, looking up at him with the best puppy eyes he could muster.

Of course it worked, Jaehyun being the biggest simp for him. "Fine, but it should be casual." He sighs, posing again with the older who hummed in agreement.


Taeyong hummed happily at how the photo came out. "This is cute!" He squeaked, showing it to Jaehyun who only had his attention on his sweet boyfriend.

"I'm going to post this, okay?"



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JAEYONG ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now