Personal Confusion

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"Is Izuku Midoriya, or at least a relative of his...

The Blood Reaper..."
Hawks thought to himself in a nervous sweat.

"...if it's izuku Midoriya himself then...
He would have to be a vampire.
But vampires don't exist...

So it would have to be a relative...

But then he just so happens to miss the festival...
And there's a large scale attack on Japan...?

...that's far too much a coincidence...

But bakugo said his mom fell into a coma.
That's explainable...

...something doesn't feel right here...

Bakugo said his quirk was telekinesis...
If it happens that Izuku Midoriya is the blood reaper then...
He'd have to have more than 1 quirk...

Immortality for one...

Something that allows him to control his appearance...

And whatever is allowing him to infect all those people...


It's all mythology...
...but to have a quirk that grants so many abilities seems far fetched...

Even those with physical mutations the make them animal like have their limits.
They can't take the entire package deal.

...vampires can't exist...
There's humans and then every other animal and insect."
Despite his thinking, he still had his doubts so he researched on vampires.

"All vampires have immortality, it's given.
There is 1 thing that can kill them.
And it's the sun.
A vampire can never be under the sun no matter what, even completely covered up and they still risk death.

Because of this, they come out at night.

All vampires have given abilities.
Some are
Heightened senses
And sometimes when they fly they don't do it in full form.
They can do it either as a bat or as a dark smoke.

Vampires also have a known look that seperates them from humans.

They all have red cat like eyes, pale skin, long sharp black nails, and fangs.

And if you ever hold a vampires hand, you'll notice how cold they are.
The reason for this is unknown as of now.

But we do know that it is because of this that they never have to worry about wearing winter or summer clothes!

Other experts on this website wish to meet one!
So help make our wish come true by donating here"
Hawks skimmed over the article, only looking at important details.

"...I'm not sure if this website is very credible...

I mean...

It's a vampire fan page.

...but it'll do as a decent source for now.

Let's see.
The appearance traits match up to what I saw 11 years ago.

He was in the sun.

And he wasn't dying.

It's written everywhere in mythology that vampire cannot be in the sun, it's their kryptonite.

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