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So- as any teenage girl should know, it's important to find friends. The ones who stick up for you and save your sorry ass (multiple times).

Or you know, they're a bitch. But you love them for it.

Anyway, story time!

So, yesterday one of my friends who didn't sit with me at lunch was just like- "Why you be sitting over here? What about your other friends?"

I just kinda snorted- which was a pretty bad choice because I wound up having ketchup in my sinuses. Nonetheless, I looked up at her while casually wiping the ketchup on the back of my hand, to say, "I didn't really appreciate that they were throwing juice boxes at me, like I'm Shrek. And then be expected to 'take a joke,' like really?"

She just nodded and was like, "I'm sorry to hear that- I'll have to tell them."

Great. More ketchup in my sinuses.

She then got her lunch, and walked up to where my 'friends' sat, and had a nice, dignified conversation with them.

Though, I will admit when they threw the juice boxes at me, I took in stride...

And threw it right back.

Moral of the story: Know who your real friends are, and don't put up with the shit I did. Real friends don't throw shit at each other.


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