not Another prophecy

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As the group was talking they could hear snores from the last remaining person to be introduced. This man was the sin of sloth. He was a 5'8 man with Brown hair that goes by the name of Belphegor who is currently in a deep sleep and the rest of the sins know better than to wake him up.

( Time skip brought to you by Chronos)
* POV Lucifer*
At a run down bar near the South side of Los Angeles There was a man with long heavenly golden hair and celestial blue eyes This 6'5 man was none other than devil himself Lucifer morningstar. 'I wonder if Daniel and the sins are doing alright down in New York' The lightbringer thought to himself as a scrawny 16 year old boy came walking up to the bars entrance. Lucifer extended his hand out to the kid With the kid taking the man's hand " Come on inside kid you look like you're lost let me buy you a drink." God's favorite angel ordered himself a scotch and the kid a Coca-Cola the kid with a pen and paper sat next to Lucifer. " So Mr. Tell me what you think can you find Jesus in LA?" The kid would ask the devil well Lucifer ponders what exactly to tell the young child " Son you're not special you won't find him where you think You won't find him down on sunset you won't find him at party in the hills you won't find him at the bottom of a bottle you won't find him while you're tripping on some pills. And people sold you this dream about going to Los Angeles to make it big you would just too young and naive to realize and people sold you this dream about going to Los Angeles to make it big you were just too young and naive to realize and it's a crying shame that you won't find what you're looking for in LA." Kid would busy writing this down as as Lucy took a sip of his scotch " Hey I know I'm not your savior I know I'm not your truth but I think we could be friends because I've seen you searching throughout this city of angels but come on down to my level.You could hang out with devil and let me tell you how it ends." The kid would look up from his notebook that he was writing in " Wait sir I never caught your name and started this" Lucifer just chuckled to himself and spread his arms out wide"I have many names young one but you may call me Samael It's nice to meet you" Lucifer would then stand up and and leave the bar paying info for both of their drinks he added an appointment to keep with someone very special.

( Time skip brought to you by Chronos somewhere in the Norwegian sea on the island of Lyngvi)
Lucifer landed next to a river that snaked through the whole island
The king of hell followed the river through a forest he could hear sounds of creatures in the wind brushing against trees. There was a presence felt on this island unlike anything else this presence reeked of power as Lucifer got closer and closer he heard a wolves howl a howl that sounded like nothing he has ever heard before it's it sounded gutter It sounds raw It was the howl of a beast in chains. The king of hell decided to follow the sound and follow the river that was throughout the whole island As he walked the presence got stronger and the wolves whimpers and howls got louder. He eventually came to the mouth of the river but it wasn't a normal river it was the river He eventually came to the mouth of the river but it wasn't a normal river it was the river van The river created from the saliva of the king of wolves the chain breaker of Nordic mythology. There was a giant wolf in front of of the devil that was wrapped in golden chains with his mouth held open by a sword that impaled his jaw. The devil would run a hand through his hair and speak to the wolf."How are you Fenrir I am not here to hurt you I'm here to free you I know you were wrongfully imprisoned so how about I set you free." Lucifer would spread his wings after unfurling them from his back flying up to the wolves mouth and pulling outhe pulling out the sword that was stuck in his jaw. Fenrir would howl in pain as the sword was removed from his jaw he would speak to the devil in a deep booming voice. " Thank you sir for freeing my mouth from the sword and you are right me and my bróðir we're wrongfully imprisoned because of the prophecy of a Ragnarok. I'm afraid I don't know who you are but I can sense you're immensely powerful so who are you sir you smell of the White Christ." Lucifer with laugh and tilt his head to the side " I guess that's what you norsemen called father ah. To answer your question I'm the devil Lucifer morningstar." Fenris looked at the man in shock of how powerful he really was he really was he was stronger than most if not all of the aesir gods. Fenrir Would shape shift into his human form with the chains that bound him melding into his skin. There stood before the devil was a 6' 6 man with blonde hair and Brown eyes with golden chain tattoos surrounding his body.

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