Chapter 42

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Week 40

Since the past few weeks Wyatt has been taking the girls with him to spend time together. Seth hated that he kept on coming over to get the twins and Heaven allowed it every single time. "I just thinking that Wyatt could meet the twins once a week instead of coming here every single day Heaven" Seth said as he took a sip of his tea.

"I don't know, wouldn't it be unfair for the twins? They requested that their dad should be here" Heaven asked.

"Heaven you need to set boundaries, if you don't then I will" Seth with a serious look on his face.

"Mommy, I'm hungry" Zara said as she made her way over to them while rubbing the sleep away.

"Me tooo" Zuri said while following along.

"First you can start by saying good morning mommy and daddy" Seth told them and they just stared at him.

"Seth..." Heaven called.

"I think they are old enough to say it now, they are almost 5" Seth said to Heaven then finished his breakfast.

"Go to the kitchen grandpa is making waffles" Heaven told them and they squealed as they made their way to the kitchen.

"I don't understand you Heaven, you never listen to me anymore. Sometimes I feel like we are not in this together" Seth said in a low voice. Heaven was about to reply when the doorbell rang.

"I'll go answer it" Heaven said as she stood up and made her way over to the door. She opened it and was welcomed with Wyatt.

"Wyatt what are you doing here?" Heaven asked with a curious look on her face.

"I know I didn't inform you about coming to see the girls today but I brought someone to meet them" Wyatt said and Heaven looked at him confused "Meet Leo" Wyatt said as he took the carrier from behind him. Heaven looked down and saw a sleeping baby boy in the baby carrier.

"Alex had her baby?" Heaven asked and Wyatt nodded.

"I just wanted the twins to see him, I won't stay long because I have something to do" Wyatt said and Heaven invited him in.

"A baby!" Zara shouted when Wyatt walked over to them then rested the baby carrier on top of the table.

"It's your baby brother, remember I told you that you were going to have a baby brother?" Wyatt asked and the twins nodded while chewing with their mouths full.

"I always wanted a baby bother" Zuri said.

"I want a baby sister" Zara said and Wyatt chuckled.

"Your baby sister is in mommy's tummy, don't worry she'll soon be out. Zuri was about to touch the baby when Heaven stopped her.

"Zuri you can't touch the baby, your hands are sticking with syrup" Heaven said and Zuri looked at her then pouted.

"It's okay I'll just clean him when they are done" Wyatt said and Heaven shook her head.

"He's a newborn I suggest that you don't do that" Heaven told Wyatt.

"But he's my baby and I can do whatever I want" Wyatt said through gritted teeth. "Okay, so mommy doesn't want you to touch the baby so I'm leaving" Wyatt said then picked up the carrier.

"No I want to come with you daddy". Zara cried as she tried getting out of her chair.

"I can't take you, daddy has something to do baby" Wyatt said  as he made his way over to the door.

"No don't leave!" Zara screamed when she saw Wyatt leave.

"Zara!" Heaven said as she stared at her in disbelief. The twins have never acted this way before.

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