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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

When Minho comes out the shop he goes to sit down at Hyunjin's table, embarrassed

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

When Minho comes out the shop he goes to sit down at Hyunjin's table, embarrassed. 

"Where'd that cone of yours go?" Hyunjin asks, smirking. 

Minho rolls his eyes still he could feel his cheeks grow warm at the comment. Enjoo notices, quickly she puts her hand on Minho's forehead. "Are you feeling okay?? Your face is all hot and warm!" Enjoo says, worried. 

Minho slumps into his seat, even more embarrassed. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Minho says in a sad tone but also in a relief way. 

At least my heart still pounds when Enjoo is here. Minho thinks to himself. 

"Hey, um, Minho hyung?" Minho's attention snaps towards Jisung's voice. Jisung flinches at the sudden movement but continues on. "I'm kinda supposed to be somewhere right now so can we go now?" 

Minho quickly nods. "Yes." 


"Alright, now who's going on who's lap?" Seungmin speaks first. 

"Well, we all know we can't have our Enjoo sit on anyone's lap considering she's a girl and needs to be respected." Hyunjin states. Enjoo is on the clear. 

"I'm driving this time!" Minho exclaims, happier than he intended to sound. Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Aw, man." Hyunjin mumbles, sadly. 

Jisung shrugs. "Alright, I'm fine with sitting on Seungmin's lap—"

"No! No way." Minho cuts in, suddenly displeased. His mood changes and it surprises everyone. 

Jisung's shoulders slumped. "Why? I really don't mind—"

"I said no," Minho complains. 

"What? But—" For the third time Jisung is cut off by what now seems like his overprotective friend.

"Jisung is not an option so you three have to sort it out." Minho decalres before dragging Jisung inside the car and putting on his seat belt. 

"Hey, hey, hey, I can do it myself thanks." Jisung slaps away Minho's help. Minho lets go and goes back to where the other three are deciding. 

Whew, at least he's safe. Minho's thoughts have calmed. But, when his eyes meet Hyunjin's he flinches at Hyunjin's expression. Hyunjin stares at him with a suspicious look. Now, I gotta worry about him. 

Minho ignores the nagging stares Hyunjin gives him and walks to the group. "So...Have you finally decided?" Minho asks. 

"I'm not sitting in anyones lap!" Jeongin insists. 

"It's only for a couple of minutes before you guys can go. If you want we'll drop you off first—" Minho is not given the chance to finish his sentence. 

"No! I rather walk." Jeongin snaps. "I should've never come." He mumbles. Before he can walk away Seungmin grabs his wrist. 

"C'mon don't be like that, Jeongin!" Seungmin exclaims. 

"It's fine, I'll call my mom." 

"Okay...Well...I'll stay." Seungmin said. Jeongin looks at him in confusion. "It's the least I could do. After all, I dragged you here.." 

Jeongin scoffs before grabbing Seungmin's hand and dragging him away with him. "See you guys later!" Jeongin shouts from afar. Seungmin following behind him like a lost puppy. 

Jisung watches the whole scene from inside the car. "That asshole," he murmurs under his breath. I can't believe he just left me alone with these three! 

Hyunjin and Minho watch them leave, amused. "Aren't they a little..." Hyunjin trails off, not knowing how to put it in words. 

"A perfect match!" Minho states, not really caring but finding it amazing how the two act. "Jeongin is like: I hate you so much that I find you adorable, and Seungmin is like: a lost puppy who only wants his owner."

Hyunjin watches his friend in disbelief. "What the—?"

"What?? Is that not it..?" 

"No. Not even close." Hyunjin objected. 

Minho shrugs his shoulders before happily walking back to the car. "Let's go!" He shouts, overly excited now that the problem was solved. 

Hyunjin rolls his eyes as he watches his best friend climb inside the car, already knowing why the only reason he's mood suddenly lit up was because his problem was solved. Hyunjin begins to wonder why the reason Minho's mood suddenly brighten when he had Enjoo the entire time. He sighs and lets go of the situation, not bothering too overthink as much. 

When they're all in the car, Jisung manages to calm himself down and focus on the view outside his window other than the atmosphere inside the car. It's truly awkward. Espically for him since he really doesn't "fit in" with the three. 

I should've just walked home! Jisung thinks to himself. 

Hyunjin clears his throat, having enough with the awkward atmosphere. He was originally hoping Minho would say something but the kid doesn't seem to have a clue about the awkwardness. 

"So, Jisung, why is it you won't let me play the second lead of the story?" Hyunjin asks, glancing at the younger beside him. At this, Minho's eyes flash through the mirror to take notice of Jisung's response. 

"Um...I really... don't know...? I don't really get a say since I'm not involved with the whole story plot. Felix and Seungming are the ones in charge, so if you should talk to them." Jisung replies, avoiding Hyunjin's gaze. Minho smiles to himself, not knowing what he's really smiling for. Is it because Hyunjin still won't be able to get the second lead? Or was it Jisung's reply being so cold? 

"What's so funny?" Enjoo asks, looking at Minho with a puzzled expression. 

"Nothing," Minho waves it off. Enjoo sighs and looks out the window as she was doing already. Minho's eyes wander back to the reflection of Jisung from the mirror. 

He's something else, huh?


"Ah~ So this is where you live, huh?" Minho finally decides to speak when they arrive at Jisung's home. 

Jisung's face flushes a tint of pink as he is reminded that the most liked kids from school are looking at his home now. "I-It's nothing much...!" Jisung stutters, embarrassed. 

"Well, see you at school~!" Minho waves a hand, smiling cheekily at Jisung. "I'll come by if I'm ever near," Minho calls out as he slowly drives off. 

"Don't!" Jisung yells out, screaming off his lungs, his face turning with more color. With that he storms away inside his home. 

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