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Y/N-Your Name

L/N-Last name

H/C-Hair color

H/L-Hair length

E/C-Eye color


Your P.O.V

You were Getting ready for the next expedition outside the walls. You were so nervous... You always were...not because the titans were going to eat you,it was because You were on Levi's Team... Or Squad.
You always had a crush on him since the day you saw him,but you decided to keep it a secret from everyone except for Eren,Mikasa and Armin.
You pull your H/L H/C into a simple ponytail and then you head off.You walk and you were in deep thought. You bump onto someone.You look to see that It was Levi.Your cheeks heat up and you were also embarrassed

"I'm So s-sorry Captain L-Levi"You stuttered.He sent you a glare and made a 'Tch' sound.He walked away and you made a sad face.You continued to walk.

When you were on your horse you had to wait until they opened the gate."So Y/N when are you going to confess your love to Corporal Levi?"A Monotone voice asked.You turn your head around to find Mikasa,Eren and Armin."Hey guys!"You greeted cheerfully."Hello!"They greeted in unison.
"So,Eren...What are you going to do when we come back from the outside?"You asked curiously.He raised an eyebrow.


"Oh yeah,I thought that you were going to confess your Love to Mikasa."He blushed furiously and Mikasa did the same. You laughed out Loud (+LOL)

You saw Levi sending you a glare again.'Why is he Mad?'You asked yourself.
The gate opened and the horses were racing to get out."Well here goes nothing guys.TO HUMANITY!!!!"You yelled out.

Levi's P.O.V

"TO HUMANITY!!!"I heard Y/N yell.I look back to see her and I saw her face...The wind was blowing her hair back making her look more like an angel.

I always send her glare and treat her badly.I love her and I don't want her to think I don't like her.When I saw Y/N Laughing with Eren it made me Jealous.When we get back to the walls I'll confess my love for her.

I wish she'll say yes.

Your P.O.V

"7 METER TITAN UP AHEAD!!"You heard Eren yell."COPY THAT!"You yell back. Before You go slay that titan...Levi beat you to it.
He slashed the Titan's nape and The giant humanoid slumped on the ground...It's corpse evaporating.
Y'all continued the expedition...At the End you managed to Kill 7 Titans...All the Titans you were going to kill,Either Eren...Or Levi bet you to it.

Y'all were now on an open area counting how many People were Dead,Injured or Missing."You did good today Cadet L/N."Captain Levi commented."Thanks"You thanked.He gave you a small nod.

"TITANS!!! TITANS ARE COMING!!" A random Cadet shouted.You look at his direction to see Three 10 meter Titans on his tail.
"Y/N Take them back to the wall.I'll catch up to you."You shook your head.
"No...I'll take care of it.You take them back.If you feel that something is wrong then come back."You were not scared to die anymore.Levi just looked at you,before nodding his head.

You get on your horse and It runs towards the giant humanoid creatures.
You go ahead and Slash two of the Titan's neck or Nape.They crash to the floor.The other titan was still running.
"Crap"You muttered.

Suddenly you heard other heavy footsteps. You turn around and see Another titan."Oh shit!"You squeaked.
It saw you and grabbed you.

You tried to wiggle out of his hand,but it did not work.
'So,I guess this is the end'You thought.
'I never got to tell Levi how much I loved him'
The titan was bringing you to his mouth.You were waiting for it to bite you and it did.You screamed in pain.
"Y/N!!!!"You heard someone yell your name.

"Le-vi"You choked out.

Levi's P.O.V

"Y/N!!!!"I yelled.

I slash the Titan's nape and it screamed letting Y/N fall to the ground.Before she could touch The floor I Grabbed her and carried her Bridal style.

I set her on the floor and there was blood in her clothes.

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