Chapter 9

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The boys couldn't wait to get out of there. Hobi was holding tightly onto my left arm and Jimin was walking closely on my right as we made our way out towards my car.

I noticed that Yoongi seemed to be a bit more reserved, not having said or done much. He was walking slightly behind us, and I could see that he was watching our every move. Keeping close watch on his packmates, and even closer watch on me.

Perhaps he was just making sure that I was a decent person? He probably cared a lot about his packmates and wanted to always be observing so that he could jump in the moment he sensed danger.

As much as I wished he trusted me, I could understand where he was coming from. We had only just met yesterday.

The guys said goodbye to all of the staff and the receptionist before we walked out the front door, and their eyes immediately scanned the car park, as if trying to guess which car was mine, which car would be taking them to their new home.

Hobi ended up taking the front seat, and Jimin and Yoongi sat in the back. Jimin looked a little nervous, eyes darting around the car, looking out the window, glancing at me, picking at his hands. I wonder if they ever got to go outside of the shelter?

Yoongi looked calm and neutral as usual, staring mostly out the window. Hobi being Hobi was chatting away happily, talking about how excited he was, asking where I lived, what I did for work, how many friends I had.

A smile spread across my face as I listened to him asking questions non-stop. Yoongi finally cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Hobi, leave poor Y/N alone, you're going to talk her ears off"

I laughed out loud at this, wondering how often Yoongi would scold his packmates.

"It's fine, really," I told him. "I don't mind, besides, we've got to get to know each other!"

Hobi nodded enthusiastically at this and gave a look of triumph back to Yoongi, who simply rolled his eyes and continued looking out the window.

We finally reached my house and the boys stared at it so intensely. It started to make me worried that they didn't like it, that maybe they thought that the shelter was better. What if they thought my house was ugly?

"Is this your house?" Hobi said in amazement as he jumped out of the car.

"Um, yeah. This is home. I know it's not much, I'm sorry if you were expecting something else, but at least it's clean and it's warm and it's a place to call home" I caught myself rambling.

"Are you kidding?" Jimin spoke up for the first time in a while. "It's so perfect!"

And with that, he too was out of the car and running up the front steps, where Hobi was already waiting patiently.

"I hope this is ok for you and your pack" I turned around to face Yoongi, as we were both still sitting in the car. For some reason I just needed his approval.

He moved his gaze from the house, to me.

"Jimin summed it up pretty well, it's perfect" he smiled.

I let out the breath I was holding and slumped a little in relief. Ok, this is going well. I finally got out of the car and locked it after Yoongi got out.

I chuckled at the sight of Jimin waiting patiently at the door, and Hobi trying to look through the windows to see inside. I unlocked the door and moved out of their way so they could enter.

Jimin POV

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