Itchy Armpit

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They landed and Gore kissed the ground and hugged the trees, and mani laughed, Dancer bounced around and rolled around, she loved the island ; They explored the island and mani smiled and used her imagination of when Vikings and dragons lived together and how her father and toothless ruled the world and found new dragons and islands, she so very much wished she could have experienced it all, she was a dragon obsessed girl and wanted to be just like her dad. As they had fun and ran around the island Dancer stopped dead in her tracks and ran to Mani and wrapped her tail around her, growling as in she's protecting her, Mani was confused but didn't try to move away, she knew Dancer was trying to protect her Gore stood behind Mani as the bushes moved around. Out popped a girl, she looked like Dagger but as a girl and had blond hair. Oh my Thor it's a real dragon and riders?! My father told me they went away 10 years ago! And the riders only were left with stories, My father would tell me about the great chief of Berk, and how he was the only one brave enough to ride a night fury!. Mani just stood in shock and full of happiness hearing about how great his father was,  Actually the great chief is my father, Hiccup haddock the 3rd, and I'm his daughter, Mani Haddock! and this is my friend, Gorenut, we're from Berk and this, well this is MoonDancer, but I call her Dancer, I found her as an egg, and raised her, but without anyone on Berk knowing but of course Gore,  I have done so much research and Dancer looks like a night fury, but as well as the light fury. The little girl squee'd as Mani was talking, it caused Dancer to tilt her head in confusion, because her human never made that noise, Oh my thor!! so shes a mix? how did she get here? this is way to cool, the little girl said smiling ear to ear, Well strange girl who I've never met before, Mani said awkwardly, oops my bad, I'm Lillyfeather, she said. Well Lilly, When I found her, I had thought it was just a really cool rock and I wanted to take care of it like it was a dragon because since I could talk I was obsessed with dragons and loved hearing the stories from my father, and well a few days later it hatched and i didn't know what to do, I wanted to tell my father but I knew he's want to bring her to the hidden world and honestly, I didn't think she'd make it because of rejection from the other dragons, so I took it to myself to raise her and now, she's getting to big to hide, so I brought her here thinking it would be safe and then boom here you are, so I have to find a new spot for my good girl, Mani said hugging Dancer. Lilly looked so sad because it was true, Lilly's father and mother would take Dancer and have her as theirs when she belongs to Mani. They exchanged words and hugs, Gore and Mani, took off on Dancer, thinking. Where to now?

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