28. Little Prince

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Akaashi stared as his servants carried away bloody sheets. He turned to Ushijima, teary. "Did I kill him?"

Ushijima shook his head. "You did not." He looked to Bokuto, who had his brows furrowed in concentration. "Do you have a thought to get out?"

"How the Hell did he die? No one was down there. The guard was upstairs and one was outside the wall on the other side."

"I found a rod in his heart. It went straight through."

"A rod?"

"Rusted from the door. He must have attempted to break it off and stabbed himself. Better than being publicly executed publicly I suppose." Ushijima looked up and saw Tendou at the top of the stairs. "Satori! You shouldn't be up!"

"We have a bigger problem than my crotch!"

Akaashi noticed his arms. "Oh no."

Ushijima noticed as well and Sugawara came running. "Satori! Stop! I can make you the tea!"

Tendou dropped to his knees. "The baby is safe. I made sure if that but I think I'm gonna-" Tendou's arms both turned scaly and black. He gasped for air. "Honey help me!"

Sugawara grabbed Ushijima's arm. "Where is the tea God damn it?!"

"The herbs are with his guard upstairs."

"Got it." Sugawara turned. "One of you idiots start boiling water in the kitchen!" He ran upstairs.

Ushijima held Satori close. "Breathe. Breathe. I'm here."

"I don't want to- is that blood?" Tendou sniffed. His eyes changed and he stared at the servants carrying Satoru's body. He strained against Ushijima. "I need it."

"You don't!"

Bokuto gasped as Satori's neck started to turn darker and darker. "Oh my God."

Akaashi took a deep breath. "It must be from the birth."

"Well he's..."

"Changing? I know."

Tendou growled loudly, straining. His teeth all sharpened and Ushijima looked around. "Find me raw meat!"

A maid rushed to get meat. Bokuto hurried to hold Tendou down. "What if you change?"

"I don't have the ability. Only the healing and eyes. I don't have enough blood."

Tendou's shirt ripped open completely. He panted heavily, under his scales turning red. Akaashi leaned down by him and held his face in his hands. "Satori."

Tendou stared, shaking.

"Did you do this on your own?"

"No! It's-" he growled.

Ushijima held him tighter. "Satori, it's okay. Deep breaths."

"Get him on his feet," Akaashi whispered.

Ushijima stared. "Why?"

"I'm going to knock him out."

Tendou growled.

"I know. But that tea won't get here fast enough."

Sugawara ran past. Tendou was eased to his feet. Akaashi stood and took a deep breath. Bokuto glanced between Tendou and Akaashi. "You got it?"

"I hope so."

"Have you ever actually knocked someone out before?"

"Six different times." Akaashi took a deep breath and he started to go in for the uppercut but Satori kicked him. Akaashi flew across the room and was knocked out cold. Guards rushed up but Bokuto held out a hand.

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