Round of 16

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Arthur POV:

Today was the day the tournament would finally begin. Pretty much all the students sat in the stadium, eagerly awaiting the tournament to begin. Elijah, Alistair and I didn't join them as we were also participants and instead were backstage alongside the other contestants.

The other contestants including Tessia were already there. Tessia's expression brightened as she stopped talking to Clive and came towards us, "It's so good to see you guys again!"

"It is, Tessia!" Alistair and I both replied with our own smiles. I could feel some sort of tension between Alistair and Tessia that I promptly ignored thinking it was me just being weird.

I saw Gary and Kathlyn being very close to each other, in fact they were quite close with Lancelot and Rachel as well. 

It wasn't long before the tournament began. From the artifact that created the screen in the backstage, I could see Cynthia suddenly appear in the middle of the battle stage before starting her announcement.

"Today is the day one of the biggest tournaments for the younger generation will take place. We have two elves, two dwarves and twelve humans personally chosen by myself as being the strongest students in Xyrus Academy."

(A/N: Alistair counting as human since he hides his identity of being a half-elf.)

"This tournament will be held in four days. For the rules, the other contestant is considered to have lost if they lose conscious, step outside the boundary or surrender. All weapons, armour and elixirs are allowed, but attacks with the intent to harm are banned."

"Without further ado, we have Gary Whiteborn going against Theodore Maxwell for the first match!"

Both of the contestants quickly got up and went to their respective wings before ascending to the battle stage. 

"Take your positions! And begin!"

Theodore instantly used gravity magic on himself to increase his speed and closed the distance. Suddenly, a ringing sound resounded across the stadium as Theodore was almost completely pushed out of the stadium.

Panicked, he tried to get out of the way but Gary pushed him out using sound magic. 

The first match ended as soon as it began. 'As I thought, Gary is on a different level.'

The second match was between Tessia and Clive. This one was an obvious match as well.

Clive began by keeping himself far from Tessia and firing off metal needles using wind magic. Tessia effortlessly deflected his attacks using her sword as she closed the distance.

She then attacked him using plant magic. Clive jumped up to dodge the first vines which instead ended up harming him as he couldn't dodge anymore of her attacks due to his low mastery of wind magic.

He was quickly defeated as well.

The third match was more interesting as it was between Curtis and Alistair. Curtis was quite strong, especially with his bond. While he won't be Alistair's match, this fight would be much more fun.

Curtis began by mounting his bond and charging at Alistair. Alistair replied by sending tendrils of lightning throughout the entire stadium. 

The world lion barely dodged the lightning spell before quickly being surrounded. Curtis realised the threat as he roared, "First Phase: World Howl."

A compressed beam of mana shot straight towards Alistair. I would have rolled my eyes if not for the fact that I realised that Curtis had no other moves. 

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