Episode 24

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Episode 24

~Playlist for this chapter is 'One Direction – Kiss You' 🎶🎶 do enjoy

Fernando's POV

"Sir Fernando, Sir Fernando" I heard a voice yelling for me from my slumber. I groaned and covered my ears with pillows. "Sir Fernando it's 11 am, are you...." I flutter my eyes open and sat up immediately without waiting to hear the remaining words. My gaze greeted Mr. Pedro who was standing at my bedside and he gave a slight bow.

"Good morning, son".

"Good morning, Father. Is it 11 am as you say?"

"Yes, it is, Sir- son, I mean son" he corrected himself when he saw me glaring at him.

"What happened this time around? Why am I waking up by this time? I didn't even hear my alarm". My head suddenly pounded when I raised my voice a little. "Arrrrrggg" I grimaces and held it, "My head aches" I groaned.

"If I hadn't collected the bottle of whiskey you were having last night you would have been feeling worse than that".

"Did I get drunk last night?" I furrowed my brows in surprise.

"You did. I had to stop you from emptying the bottle at around 5 am".

"5 am? Please tell me I didn't blab anything stupid?" I requested and he sighs and shrugs.

"Well, I didn't think what you said was stupid because you said you meant it but I didn't believe you. I had to wait till this morning to ask if you meant what you said".

"Really? Tell me what I said last night". I was getting worried right now, what the hell did I say when I was drunk? Did I spill out my pathetic past to him in my drunkenness?

"You talked about a girl you kissed. You said the kiss was a sweet one that ignited fireworks inside of you. According to you, it was real, that the kiss was real and you felt it so deep-" he paused and glanced at me, I was suddenly looking pale and feeling all sweaty, I had to get up from my bed and walked to the window.

"But of course, I didn't believe you, it was too strange to believe. Since I've been working for you you've never for once talked about a lady nor even invite any of the female genders to your house except for your mom. So how come you kissed a lady? Have you finally decided to have a woman in your life?".

"No! No! Not Fernando Perez!" I exclaimed avoiding my gaze on him. "I love no woman, Father. All that I said last night was out of intoxication".

"I thought so too, I mean not that you can't love a woman or share a kiss with her but it's too sudden, at least I want to see you two go for a date like most couples do, and...."

"Please stop! It's never going to happen with someone like me. Love isn't on my agenda, so don't dream of a fairy tale life for me. Thanks for your concern but you shouldn't think about it. What I said last night is bygones, sometimes we say weird things when we are drunk" I cut him off.

"Very well then. I'll leave you to prepare for today's activity, I'll wait downstairs to drive you to the company whenever you are ready" he gave a slight bow and turns around to leave.

"I don't think I'll be going to the office this morning. I need to go for a jog, perhaps when I'm back I'll prepare for work and I guess that will be by noon that I'll be ready for work".

"Okay boss, I'll be right here waiting" he replied and exited my room.

I need some air, is hot in here. I grabbed my grey jogger pants and my black hoodie paired with my black sneakers and put them on. I took my Ear pods, turned on my Bluetooth and I found myself jogging out on the street down to the roadside. I don't know how long I've been jogging but I kept jogging until I got to a park and flopped my body to the grass panting heavily for breath and a flashback of last night came to mind.

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