Emotional masochist, indeed.

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One Year Ago

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One Year Ago

Keaton's head and body jerks up so fast that he pulls out of Rianna and she falls to the floor. Strangely, I'm able to find that so funny that a laugh rips from my chest. At least until I get a look at Keaton's dick and see that he has no condom on.

That has the first crack appearing in the ice surrounding me.

"Charlie," he chokes out, his horror-filled eyes growing wet.

Holding up a hand, I roll my eyes. "Save me the tears, asshole. Don't pretend you feel bad about cheating on me now." I shake my head with a caustic laugh that makes him flinch. "You act like this surprises me. It was only a matter of time, Keaton. You're so goddamn blind to her that me...the person you've been with for eight years doesn't matter."

"Don't say that. You matter. You're the only one that matters."

Amelia laughs. "Dude. The fact that you're standing in front of her with your dick still hanging out from fucking that skank ass over there, I'd say you're full of shit."

He shoots Amelia an angry glare after pulling up his jeans. "Not your business."

"Oh, but it is," I snap. "She's my best friend." I cock my head. "Funny enough, I'm not going to fuck her, though."

I find very little delight in the way his eyes shatter because, unlike him, I'm not out to hurt him, no matter how much my soul is begging for me to. There is no way I will stoop to that level.

"You definitely should, Char. I'd have you forgetting this douchebag's name in a heartbeat. I'll eat that pussy so good, baby," Amelia croons and I can't stop the laughter when I glance over and see her licking her lips.

The color drains from Keaton's face at her words, the thought more than he can handle.

Yeah. Welcome to my world, bud.

A blur of red from the corner of my eye has my head jerking in that direction. Rianna is finally climbing to her feet, the triumph that was in her eyes earlier nowhere in sight. She lost her luster when I didn't give her the reaction she was looking for.

"He's all yours. I don't want him anymore."


Stupid fucking heart.

"No, I'm not. I'm not hers, Charlie. I'm yours. Have been since we were five," he says.

I stare at the tears that run down his cheeks. There was a time that witnessing this boy cry would bring me to my knees because I know from experience that he only ever does it when something eats at his soul. I obviously don't know as much as I thought, because it's all a lie. Everything about us.

We're no longer Charlie Henderson and Keaton Carr. Char and Kea. Butterfly and her keeper.

All we are now are broken dreams and memories burned to ash.

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