Chapter 7

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When I pull into my drive way I realize the only way back into my house is through my bedroom window. I know that if I go in through the front door I'm screwed because the alarm system is on and my dog is an additional alarm that I have to get through. The only problem with this plan is my bedroom is on the second story. 

"This should be fun," I mutter to myself.

I go to the end of the drive way to get a running start. Being half drunk right now isn't helping me currently but on the bright side I'm not so drunk that I can't function. 

Here goes nothing. I think to myself as I begin running toward my house.

I jump up as high as I can go and grad the side of my house. Once I achieved a strong grip on the side of the house I pull myself up using all the strength I have. Once I am all the way up I stop and lay on my roof for a second. 

After regrouping I very carefully stand up on my roof and make my way to my bedroom window. As I begin to climb into my window I'm sure that I'm finally in the clear and I start to get ready for bed.

When I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth I am interrupted by a voice.

"And what are you doing up at this hour?"


"I have to use the bathroom," I respond. When I look up the eyes of my mother greet me.

"Why in the world do you have makeup on?"

I can feel her anger from all the way across the room.

"I was so tired when I got home from Erika's I forgot to take it off," I hoped that would end the conversation but unfortunately it just led to more questions.

"Who's Erika? And what time did you get home? Your father was worried sick! You didn't text me back! I was so close to filing a missing persons report."

When she finishes with her little lecture I attempt to answer, "I-" I'm soon cutoff, "I don't want to hear your excuses, this never would've happened if you didn't transfer to this new school. I am forbidding you to see this Erika again until further notice."

"You're grounding me," I exclaim.

"Keep your voice down your father has work in the morning," she said sternly, "I will not tolerate you coming home late and doing god knows what at this Erika's house!"

"You are being so unfair, I make some friends at a new school and you are grounding me for it," I am so incredibly pissed off, "what kind of bullshit is that?"

Oh no.

"Excuse me! I did not raise you to talk to me that way," in that moment my father emerges from my parents bedroom. 

"What the hell is going on here," he asks practically yelling.

This is going to be great.

"Your daughter is out of control Malcom! She's swearing at me and coming home late. She claims she was at a new friends house," my mother is fuming.

"Dad we didn't do anything we just hung out!"

"Why don't we all just go to bed for now and we will talk about this at dinner tomorrow."

Good, I can come up with a solid alibi. 

"Fine, but until then you are under house arrest," my mother says while pointing at me.

"What about practice," I ask with an attitude for affect.

"You may go to practice but that is it, now go to bed and drop the attitude while your at it. You will not speak to me that way. Do you understand me Morgan?"

I shake my head then I turn to go to bathroom and finish getting ready for bed while brainstorming a story that not even my mother can crack. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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