What a feeling to be right here

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When I opened my eyes in the morning, Harry was just lying next to me. I smiled and cuddled at him. Outside, the warm summer rain still hit the street. Everything was grey and wet. For a while I looked at Harry until he opened his eyes. He stretched out briefly and whispered a quiet "good morning", I also answered him with a good morning and cuddled me in the blanket. I didn't want to get up yet and that this beautiful moment would end. I turned my back to Harry and he pulled me tightly to him an put his head on my neck. All this had to stay between us, at least until I had the courage to tell Steve the truth. I realise that I wanted a life with Harry, with everything that would go with it. Even if it could be difficult. Life on tour. What did I have to lose? I could also take photos on the go. I could collect new inspiration and photo motifs. Gain experience and so on, I just had to finally dare! So we were still lying there for quite a while until my cell phone tore me out of my thoughts. Steve! I answered and hinted Harry to be quiet. Steve was worried, at least he said that. I assured him that I was with Gemma and that I was fine. He was probably reassured and I said that I would be home soon. He answered me to take care of myself and hung up. Phew! Just went well again. One thing was clear. I couldn't go through this game of hide and seek forever!

 I couldn't go through this game of hide and seek forever!

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Should′ve never let you goWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt