Will the Wise

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The Party sprinted towards the field, bursting through the doors to find Will standing in the middle of the field. The group rushed over to the boy, who was shaking.

"Will!" Mike yelled, taking him by the shoulders and shaking him a little. "Will! Will!"

Suddenly, Joyce Byers ran up from behind. "What happened?" She panicked, taking Will into her arms.

"I don't know! I just found him like this! I think he's having another episode!" Mike explained, backing up to stand beside Cal on his left watching with wide eyes.

"Sweetie! Sweetie, wake up! It's mom! Will" Joyce screamed, fully shaking will.

Cal walked up to Joyce, placing a hand on her shoulder. The mother turned her head to look at the boy, his eyes telling her he can help. Joyce looked back to Will before nodding her head. Cal nodded back, taking his hand of Joyce's shoulder, as he moved his hands onto Will's temples before closing his eyes.

When he opened them again, Cal saw that he was now standing on the opposite side of the field. He frantically looked around until his eyes land on a big shadow monster surrounding Will. 

"What the...?" Cal trailed off, his eyes wide with surprise and confusion and what he looked at. He couldn't tell what it was doing, but whatever it was it wasn't good.

"Hey!" He shouted, drawing the monster's attention. "Get away from my friend!" Cal shouted, pushing his hands out as he used his powers on the monster, forcing it to be pushed back slightly for it to be enough to release its hold on Will.

Will's body disappeared from the field as the monster let out a shriek, causing Cal to cover his ears at how loud it was. The monster then began to charge towards the young boy, Cal noticing as he acted quickly, throwing his arms out once more and using his powers to hold the monster in place.

Cal smiled, glad it worked, but dropped it when he saw that it was moving ever so slowly towards. Cal needed to get out of there. He closed his eyes, still using his powers on the monster and tried to get out, but it didn't work.

Cal tried over and over again, blood coming from his nose and eyes from overusing his powers, hoping it would work. The monster was halfway across the field, slowly pushing back on Cal's hold.


That was Mike. He heard Mike. Focus on his voice!

Cal tried to focused on Mike's voice but it slowly became distorted until it disappeared, the monster now a quarter of the field away.


Wake up Cal!

Please wake up dear!

He could hear his friends shouts and continued to concentrate, feeling he was almost there. The monster was now in front of him, readying to attack.

Blue! Wake up!

With one final push, Cal disappeared from the dark field narrowly missing the monster's attack.

When Cal opened his eyes, a sharp gasp escaping his mouth, he was met with Max standing in front of him as her eyes filled with concern and worry. He looked around to see the party surrounding him along with Joyce, who was next to Max, with Will in her arms.

"Max?" He asked, a little dazed from his depleted energy

"Yeah, it's me. Are-are you okay? Will woke up and then you started to shake. We tried to wake up, but then you started bleeding from your nose and your eyes a-and I was so scared. I thought that-'' Max's voice trailed off for Cal. He wiped the blood away from under his nose and eyes before looking back to Max to see her rambling on.

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