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Arthur POV:

After the DC meeting, we went our respective classes that were quite boring. After the morning classes were done, it was time for the second meeting in the day.

Meeting of Paladins.

I, along with Alistair and Elijah, walked to the Paladins main room. The room was even bigger than the DC with personal training rooms for everyone in the group.

"Ah! You guys are finally here," Gary said as he turned towards us. It seemed that the rest of the members were already here.

"Hello, my name is Arthur Leywin." I greeted. Alistair and Elijah followed my example.

"My name is Alistair Leywin, it's a great joy for me to meet you."

"I am Elijah Knight, i-it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Gary then motioned us to follow him to the second floor that had an oval office similar to the one in the DC office.

The three of us sat down in our seats when Gary sat at the head of the table and announced, "Now, I know that all of the students here have work to do from either the Student Council or Disciplinary Committee, but don't worry! This group is unlike others where you have to do work. It's simply to provide protection and nurture the best geniuses of the current generation."

"Let's begin the first meeting with formal greetings from each other. Include your fighting style, beast will, core stage level and other necessary information as this is important."

"I'll begin. My name is Gary Whiteborn. I am 12 years old and use a single-edged sword as my main weapon. I don't have a beast will and am at the initial silver core stage. I have affinities with lighting, wind, sound and illusion magic."

Lancelot then began to speak, "I am Lancelot Orbel. I am also 12 years old and I rely on three different weapons, a double edged sword, a halberd and a bow. I have a contract with the wind spirit, Sylph, and am at the light yellow core stage. I have affinities with wind and gravity magic."

Kathyln got up and bowed towards everyone before introducing herself, "I am Kathyln Glayder. I am 12 years old and I am a conjurer so I use a wand as my weapon. I don't have a beast will and I am at the solid yellow core stage. My affinity lies with ice magic."

I raised my brows in shock when I heard her core stage. It did make sense that she was this strong when she gave even Lancelot a more difficult of a fight.

It was Tessia's turn next, "I am Tessia Eralith. My age is 13 and I am a conjurer who also uses a sword. I have an S-class beast will but I haven't assimilated with it yet and I am at the dark yellow core stage. My affinity lies with wind, water and plant magic."

Rachel then began to speak, "My name is Rachel Glidesburn and I am 12 years old. I am a conjurer who uses wands as her weapon of choice. I don't have a beast will and I am at the light yellow core stage with water and earth magic affinities."

Seeing that it was my turn, I got up and began introducing myself, "My name is Arthur Leywin. I am 12 years old and I am an augmenter who uses a single edged sword as well. I have a powerful beast will of unknown class and a bond as well, though it's not very useful in battle. I am at the solid yellow core stage and have all four base elements and ice and lightning magic deviancy. I also have gravity magic deviancy through by beast will's second stage."

Everyone was mildly shocked by my affinities. Alistair quickly picked up after me, "My name is Alistair Leywin and I am 12 years old. I am an augmenter who uses a sword. I don't have a beast will and I am at the light yellow core stage. My affinity lies with wind, fire and lightning magic."

Finally, it was Elijah's turn to introduce himself, "My name is Elijah Knight. I am 12 years old and I am a conjurer. I don't have a beast will and I am at the dark yellow core stage. My affinity lies with earth and metal magic."

"Here take this badge," he threw us all badges of silver angel-like wings. He said, "This is the symbol of paladins. It basically gives you extra authority and tells people to not mess with you. Always wear it with you."

Gary then began to speak, "I have already evaluated everyone's strength level so I'll post the rankings here. If you guys believe that there is something wrong, you can prove by beating the one above you in a practice duel. There will be elixirs and other resources that all of you need provided to you guys and you have your own giant training room here, so feel free to come in. The door will open by detecting your mana signature, so just store it in before you guys leave."

I turned towards the leaderboard and scanned it.

1. Gary Whiteborn (SS-class)
2. Lancelot Orbel (SS-class)
3. Alistair Leywin/Arthur Leywin (S-class to SS-class)
5. Rachel Glidesburn (S-class)
6. Kathyln Glayder (AA-class)
7. Tessia Eralith (A-class)
8. Elijah Knight (A-class)

The ranking were very accurate and exactly what I believed they should have been. It's doubtful whether Tess could beat Elijah since she is less experienced than him but I think her combination of long range attacks as well as close range swordsmanship may give her the upper-hand in real battle.

"Oh yeah, another important thing," Gary turned towards us again, "If you guys want, you can learn mana zone from us four."

He pointed towards him, Lancelot, Rachel and Kathyln. It seems that everyone was excited to learn about the mana zone so he told us, "Mana zone basically allows you to control the ambient mana around you. This strengthens your own attacks while weakening others. Mana zone is created with one's best element, and it does require quite some training but you can take a session with any of us four anytime we are free."

Seeing that mana zone should be with your best and strongest element, I wanted it to be lightning for me. It seems that Alistair also wanted a lightning mana zone seeing that it's his strongest element. Elijah probably wanted an earth mana zone while Tessia wanted a plant one.

This how the first meeting of the paladins ended.

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