4- They should have been were-rabits!

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I am dedicating this chapter to ambazz for the a-ma-zing cover she made, thanks a ton!

For the next two weeks Alex assumed the role of protector/guardian while Timothy continued hosting the young alphas.  He bravely attempted to cram into their skulls any kind of knowledge they might need to get their packs up and running after the brutal war against the rogues.  Most of them were not impressed to find out how much administration went into running a successful pack, but Timothy assured them that their mates would share that burden with them, and they could always appoint some one from the pack to keep up with the filling and the nitty-gritty, as long as they were able to keep all that information stuck in their heads.

On Cassy’s shoulder fell the responsibility of teaching them all about the traditions and as much about their heritage as she could when they were not training with Timothy.  She had to cover everything from the oldest legends to the newest regulations imposed by the Council.

One evening after a particularly trying day with the visitors, she was arguing with Timothy over a cup of tea.  Alex always found these arguments immensely entertaining.  Not only did he find mild satisfaction in the knowledge that she seemed to drive even her father crazy at times, but her mind fascinated him as well.  He found out rather early on in their complicated love-hate relationship that Cassy does not forget anything.  Anything!

She has a memory like a dry sponge.  That is way Timothy wanted her to teach the alphas.  If there was something worth telling and sharing, she would know about it.  Darn it!  She even knew more about his own pack’s history than he did.  It left him with a slightly bitter taste in his mouth when he realized that what she knew, she had heard from his father when he had visited here, most likely when he was about ten years old.  That would have made Cassy eight at the time, and she remembered everything his father had told her.  She even knew how the pack started and how it got named.  He had been rather surprised to realize that she was aware that his pack was not located in the vicinity of the Yellow Stone Park that was home to ‘Old Faithfull’. 

“But Dad, there is no way I will be able to cram in all of our history; it has taken me this long to cover the new regulations and their impact on pack life.  Of course I included some history to support those decisions and clarify others, but I haven’t even made a dent yet.  How am I going to share almost five hundred years of traditions and lore in the next two days before they all pack up and leave?”

Timothy smiled at her fondly.  Even though there were traces of sadness in his eyes when he looked at her, he kept his tone light and teasing.

“What?  Do you feel inadequate to the task?”

“NO!”  She protested loudly, almost dropping the cup in her hand.  “It is just impossible to cover all of that in the short time I have left.”

Timothy took his time to reply.  He munched on a biscuit; Cassy had gone bake crazy; during the past week she had baked so much that Gareth had to send some one to go buy more containers.  Twice!

“There is a simpler solution to your problem my love.  You have already taught all you know to others who will be able to teach to others.”

“The kids?”

“Yes, the kids.  They know, collectively; almost as much as you know.”

Cassy nodded her head thoughtfully, considering how that might change the fact that she did not have enough time to teach the visiting alphas.

“Call me thick; but I still can’t see how that changes the situation.  The alphas are only going to be here for two more days.  You can only take in so much during two days.”

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