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Today is the day that Harry comes! Our plan is about to become real life. Really exciting! Right now I'm in the lobby breakfast thing. I'm still in my pajamas because I didn't feel like getting dressed.

 I'm still in my pajamas because I didn't feel like getting dressed

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I look relatively presentable. I am going to get dressed when Harry gets here. I need to look hot. Luckily I brought a bunch of dresses and lingerie. (The lingerie that I bought with Harry a few days ago) It's all for him so we can celebrate on getting money. To be honest money is really important if you want to get everything you need in life. I also have to meet him at the airport in 4 hours.

"Hi what can I get you this morning?" A man who looks to be about in is early 30s says to me. He looks me up and down then smirks. Ew what a fucking creep.

I smirk back and say, "A new waiter would be nice." His mouth hangs open before he closes it walks off but not before muttering 'slut' making sure I can hear it. I roll my eyes. Why does he really think that would hurt my feelings. That word means absolutely nothing to me.

I wait for a new waiter, but until then I'm on my phone looking at tiktok. I don't really post but when I do post, millions of likes. I have 5 million followers. I think that's impressive for only having 4 videos.

"Hi! My name is Carol and I will be your waiter today! What can I get you this fine morning!" She says enthusiastically. Oh fun. How can she be this happy and 8 o'clock in the morning?

"Hi! I would like to get blueberry pancakes with a coffee with 2 creamers in it." (A/N I know nothing about coffee...) She takes my order and walks off to the kitchen.

It only takes 5 minutes for me to get my food and coffee which is a little odd but I'm hungry so who cares. If I die, you know why. I'm eating quietly when I see my phone vibrate on the wooden table. I flip my phone over and see that it's Niall. I haven't talked to him in a bit. I really miss him.

Ni<3: Hey Lou! We haven't talked in a bit!! Why is that? You haven't spoke to me since that party 4 months ago... and when I left you weren't answering your phone. What happened??

Me: Hi!! Sorry Niall. A lot has been going on. Also if you wanted to come see me, you can't because I'm in Miami... Mum surprised me with a family vacation.

Ni<3: Oh. Well maybe we can hang out when you get back? I would love to catch up with you

Me: Yeah maybe. But that might not be until next week. But we can at least facetime until I have to leave.

Immediately I get a call from Niall. I answer. "Hey Niall!" I say excitedly. "It's been so long. I honestly forgot about school and parties."

"Hey Lou! How have you been!" He says yelling a lot a bit. He's always happy. That's why he's my best friend.

"I've been good. I have a boyfriend!" Niall looks at me with a surprised face. "It just happened a few months ago. Sorry I didn't tell you but I'm telling you now. Also has has you an Zayn been?"

"Really?! What's his name?!" Niall yells. "Me and Zayn has been really good. I think he's one step closer to proposing to me. But I shouldn't have said that because I think I just jinxed it with which sucks." He answer sadly. I can see it on his face that he wants it.

"His name is Harry and he's coming to Miami! He's also really hot." Niall squeals. "It's ok Niall. He'll propose someday." I say comfortably.

"You have to send a picture!" He shouts suddenly. I guess he's not sad about Zayn anymore.

"Ok chill out I'll do it right now."

I send him a picture. And I hear a screech almost making me go deaf. "Damn Niall. You got the vocals. I don't think I'm going to be able to hear after this." I mumble and lucky he can't hear me.


"Oh my god! He's so hot! You have great taste Lou!" Niall screams and I laugh

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"Oh my god! He's so hot! You have great taste Lou!" Niall screams and I laugh. "I wish my men looked like that."

"You do Ni! You have Zayn! He's like so hot. We both have hot boyfriends." I say quietly.

"You're right. I do have Zayn. And he is REALLY hot. Maybe hotter than your boyfriend." He replies snickering making me gasp.

"That is not true." I say laughing.


After I finish my conversation with Niall I head back up to room and grab my outfit. It's now 4 o'clock. I really think he'll like it. It took me a while to find.

I don't normally wear something like this but oh well

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I don't normally wear something like this but oh well. I head back out to the lobby and walk out the door. All this time my mum was sleeping . Damn. Anyways, I go out to the car and hop in the front seat. I just realized I haven't texted Harry all day.

I drive out the parking lot and go to the airport. I don't have my drivers license. So. That's fun. It's only a 5 minute drive. No cops shout pull me over in those minutes.

Luckily they don't. I get out the car and speed walk to the front doors. I walk into the building and pull out my phone.

Me: Have you landed yet?

My love <33: I have landed but where are you?

Me: I'm near the entrance.

My love <33: Okay.

My love <33: OH! I see you!

I look up and see Harry waving at me. I smile and he holds his arms open. I run and jump into his arms and he spins us around. I kiss him on the lips and he puts me down. "I missed you so much even though it was only 2 days!" I say into his chest. "We are going to spend the rest of the day together until maybe 11."

"Ok baby" Harry laughs. "I love you baby."

"I love you too!" I say smiling.

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