Coffee Time

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I woke up to some licks on my face and Bruno giving some light whines letting me know he needs to go outside and use the restroom. I checked the time and it read 8:34 AM. I decided to get up. I grabbed Bruno's leash and clipped it onto his collar and wrapped a light coat around myself.

I opened the door and Bruno started walking as fast as he could to get outside. We made our way downstairs and I saw my older neighbor Hank outside getting the paper. Hank was an older fellow. Glasses, grey hair, the stereotypical old man. Only thing was he was actually a big softie. I don't think he had any family. He told me a little while back that his daughter cut him off for her new husband which I thought was a dick move.

"Morning Y/N, taking Bruno out for a walk before it gets even colder?" he questioned while  smiling sweetly at me. "Not right now, just to go potty but I was thinking about going to the park a little later with him." I returned a generous grin before adding on, "I'm going out to grab some coffee from that new place I was telling you about last week, want me to bring you anything?" I asked. "Maybe a scone? If they have any of course. And I'll be sure to give you some money for it before you go."

He started getting out his wallet and that's when I decided to speak up. "Hank you don't have to pay me anything. Let me do something for you for once okay? Take it as payback for always grabbing me a paper." I gave him a small and sincere smile. He stood quiet for a minute. I could tell he was thinking it over. He finally gave a small nod and said, "Okay. I suppose that will work. I'll see you later Y/N. Tell your date I said 'hello'."

"Hank she's not my date!" I responded and turned around but he was already inside. I chuckled to myself and shook my head. "C'mon Bruno, it's time to go inside." I stated and Bruno piped his little head up at me. I turned around and opened the door to the entryway of the apartments. I picked Bruno up so we could get back to the apartment quicker. I started making my way up the stairs and into the hallway leading to my apartment.

Once I was in, I put Bruno down and grabbed the dog food for him. I also refilled his water before going and hopping into the shower. I shut the door behind me and turned the handle to hot. While I was waiting for it to turn on, I turned on some music so I could jam out while showering. I turned on my playlist which had a mix of mostly Taylor Swift, Milo Greene, Conan Gray and a few other dozen artists I listen to all the time.

I finally stepped in and got some shampoo in my hand before lathering it all over my scalp and shortly after washed it out. Then I grabbed the conditioner and put that in my hair too. Once that was rinsed out, I started to wash my body. I was clean and now I needed to get looking presentable. It was around 9:00 AM now so I only had an hour to pick out the perfect outfit and send Scarlett the details. I stepped out and dried my body before beginning to dry my hair.

With my hair dry, my bra and underwear on, I walked out of the bathroom and straight to my closet. It needed to be classy but not classy enough so that it says 'Oh I got ready just for you and it needed to be perfect so I made sure it was.'. Even if that was how I felt, she can't know that. I would look pathetic. Oh who am I kidding? I am pathetic.

Nevertheless, I still needed to  look good. It was our first hang-out. Even if it was just coffee, I still needed to make a good enough impression to make her want to hang-out again. I threw on a band t-shirt and some black jeans. The shirt was a navy blue so I thought they'd go well together. I know it's basic, but it works and it's not screaming 'I'm in love with you, please take me right here!' so it works.

I spritzed some of my favorite cologne/perfume on (whatever you prefer) and found a matching pair of socks. Normally I don't necessarily care but today was special. It was the start to (hopefully) a new friendship. And who knows, if she's not straight maybe more. But probably not. I pulled my socks on and then tossed my shoes on. I tied them and decided to take a look at how I did. Pretty good if I do say so myself. I heard my phone go off and it was Scarlett.

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