Chapter 5.5-New Friend

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"I wish for you to teach me magic." Will was limited to observing while Nancy demanded something of Robin. Before hearing someone say, "Psst," Whoever said that caught his attention; it was the Prince. "Oh," Will asked, "Do you need anything?" He questioned Michael. The Prince nervously scratched the back of his neck while extending his other hand to shake Will's. " Pleasant to meet you." Michael uttered. Will gave him a smile "Oh! What a fool I was. Nice to meet you, Michael." When his full name was mentioned, Michael stated, "Please call me Mike." Will turns to face him and says, "Oh, okay, Mike." The shortened name immediately made his heart skip a beat, but then things rapidly became awkward. Will tries to continue the conversation by asking, "So...uh, how was your day?" because he knows that neither of them knows what to say.

Mike responds, "My day was alright, I guess," Will asks, "Why only okay?" as he peers at him with confusion. Mike turns his head to the side and was embarrassed about what happened earlier in the day. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm a complete failure at sparring. I was unable to defeat my tutor today in our dueling." Will giggled, and Mike adored it. " You know, I didn't exactly have a wonderful day either." Mike lifted an inquisitive brow.

"You've heard of her, right?" Mike nods in agreement as Will points to Robin. "This morning I was really clumsy, and I embarrassed myself in front of The Golden Witch." They both laughed, and it seemed as though they were becoming fast friends. 

"What exactly did you do?" Mike chuckled. "Well, I accidentally tripped over a tiny rock while bringing books into the store." "Pfft, how do you trip on a rock?" Mike teases. "Oh, shut up!" Will said as he jokingly punched him in the back. While Robin and Nancy conversed, they both laughed at each other's jokes. They were so engaged in each other that they completely lost track of the girls.

Maybe a new friend was made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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