SWS Chapter Banners

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For those who followed along my whole SWS journey here and the struggle I had with trying to make the book easier to read for everyone, you'll know the fun I had with making these banners. 

When SWS was first put up on here, the chapters were way too long and wouldn't even load properly on most mobile devices, so I'd made two SWS postings; one keeping the long chapters while the other was 'mobile-friendly' where the chapters were cut in half. Well, that just got to be ridiculous after awhile, so I just redid everything as a whole, taking down the copy that had the long chapters(and losing a whole lot of the views, comments, and votes T..T), keeping the 'mobile-friendly' version, but fixing up the chapters so they were split more evenly and cohesively instead of where it was convenient.  

After that was done, I'd realized later that books that had more engaging looks about their chapters had better engagement from readers. Since you all know I'm really not the most social of people, every little thing helped, so I got to working on those titles for each chapter and banner made up. 
Coming up with a design was fun and easy, the hard part was the titles themselves. Some were simple and obvious enough, but others not so much. There either wasn't much inspiration or too many things to choose from. I eventually got it all figured out though and felt quite accomplished when finished. 

The only problem with splitting the chapters was that my so many odd chapter book turned into a three-digit chapter novel so it would be easier to read x,x  There was just no winning for losing - unless I was able to find those who really enjoyed the book and would actually read it, or those who didn't mind reading long reads. I think those most disparaging thing was the inconsistency of reads through the chapters; meaning instead of it being like, 5 people reading through chapters 1-10, they'd bounce around, so there would be three on this many odd pages, six on another, and only two on the rest. Quite depressing how that's done.    

Anyway, these are the banners that were made up. Since there are way too many to put up individually, I'm going to put up the clusters I'd made for Instagram - 

 Since there are way too many to put up individually, I'm going to put up the clusters I'd made for Instagram - 

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