Chapter 28: New Guy

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Roman's POV

I walk into Eldon's office after Alaiya told me I have to apologize for hitting him in his dumbass face because I basically do whatever she says.

The words of a true man.

Eldon looks up from his computer, his face suddenly more serious than usual due to the tension.

"Good news. All the paperwork is done and Carson's mom won't be coming out of her cell for a long time," he informs me while not meeting my eyes as he stares at his screen.

"Alaiya told me to apologize for hitting you," I flat-out admit. I don't have time to go in a full circle and somehow bring it to my main point.

He looks up at me. "I'm guessing that's not happening?"

"You let my fucking wife go on a secret case to catch someone who had been blackmailing us and got someone to put me in a goddamn coma! You aren't getting bullshit." I don't sugarcoat it because I'm not an idiot. I love Alaiya and would probably climb Mount Everest if she wanted me to, but even I have to draw a line. Punching Eldon and then having to apologize for it even though he deserved it is that line.

"You're right." He catches me off guard, not saying something like 'friends don't hurt friends' with violin music playing in the back.

I stare at him blankly.

"You're not going to give me a lecture on friendship and love?" I ask, completely baffled by his response.

He laughs down at the floor. "Roman, what you did showed that you're a person who loves their wife and can't imagine the thought of losing her. I understood what I was risking when I made the plan. I didn't expect you to give me flowers. If anything, you should be the one giving out the advice about love."

"Don't turn me into the bitch," I reply, offended.

"Don't you worry, Alaiya already accomplished that," he reassures me with a laugh.

The worst part is, I can't argue back because he's right. Me being here literally proves his point.

"If she asks, I'll tell her you apologized."

Did the world flip around or am I still in that coma? Next thing you know, Rider's going to be tolerable to be around. Or Sanchez won't be a pain in the ass anymore. Or...we don't have enough time for me to go down the list, but you get the idea.

"Why the hell are you being so calm about this?" I have to ask.

"Because I would also do anything, if not more for Ivy. You're not the only one who found the love of their life, Roman." And on that note, he walks out of here, leaving me alone in his office.

What in the fucking Full House episode was that!?


Alaiya's POV:

I get dressed in a plain, black dress with full sleeves that has a mid-length V-cut on my cleavage, the length of the dress not very short, but also not too long that it reaches past my knees. I've learned that yes, I may have deeper curves than most women because of the weight I've gained, but no outfit will cover every single one of them up. How have I learned this? Oh, just take a look at our closet which has dresses scattered on the floor because none of them could do the job, so here I am, deciding on a plain dress so at least I'm not drawing too much attention to myself.

With the dress, I match it with a pair of my go-to nude heels which have a strap around my ankle.

Usually, I would be freaking out about leaving the kids home for a whole three hours, but I've taken Aubrey, Autumn, and Dayton to these events and each time, they either cry or want to go home the second we arrive. I mean, I get it. Most of the parents don't bring their kids so they have no one to play with, they're just listening to boring adults talking the entire time. Now, is that stopping me from giving Autumn's favorite food list, Dayton's feeding schedule, and Aubrey's nighttime routine? Absolutely not.

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