Chapter 37

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Rachel's POV

"You're gorgeous Cassadee, no wonder everyone likes you!" I said still in a drunken state. Although I was drunk, I knew that she was doing a good job of taking care of me.

"You're gorgeous too, Rachel. You've got one handsome boyfriend there" she put an arm around my shoulder and pointed over to Alex as he bounced around the stage.

"He's so sexy. You should see him in bed too, that guy can moooove!"

She laughed at me and handed me a water bottle, "you need to sober up soon, sweetheart."

I grabbed the bottle and took a long sip of it, immediately after putting it down I said, "so are you and Rian officially together yet?"

She laughed and said "Rachel we've only been out on one date! But I do like him a lot. You think he likes me?"

"Oh toootally! Rian's in love! He doesn't even love me as much as you probably. Wanna bet? Wanna ask him right now?!" I started walking towards the stage ready to interrogate Rian right here, right now.

I was held back though when an arm pulled me back.

"Woahhh, they're in the middle of a show right now! You can't just go talk to them!" Cassadee said as she held me back.

"Haha riiiight. I guess I'd be crashing the show..." I said figuring out what I tried to do.

We continued to watch the show and at first I started out watching all 4 members enjoy themselves as they played and smiled at the crowd, when Alex caught my attention, giving me a wink and making 'kiss lips' towards me. God, he's so handsome.

"You're right Cass, Alex is soooo good-looking, I just wanna hug him and kiss him all day long."

I looked to my right where Cassadee was standing, but noticed that she was rustling in her bag, and hadn't heard me.

"Oh man, if I could just run up to him right now and give him a big kiss..." I thought to myself. "Screw it, I wanna kiss him right now"

Without a doubt, I drunkenly walked out from side stage and onto the stage, just as the band was playing The Beach. I nodded my head along to the music, although it made me stumble a bit more, and I heard some of the audience go from singing along to starting to chatter about some "drunk girl".

Zack was the first to notice me since I came out from his side of the stage. He moved away from his microphone and said to me, "what the hell are you doing! Are you drunk?!"

All I said back was "love you too Zack!"

Next, Jack noticed me and ran over to me, pretending to grind on me. I did the same back to him. But then as the song was coming to an end, I pushed him out of my way and called out to Alex.

"Alex!! Alex it's me! I'm here to kiss you!"

Alex definitely heard over all of the noise, and turned around to me with a shocked look. I ran to him and gave him a massive hug, determined not to let him go.


Alex's POV

What the hell was Rachel doing out here!

"Oh uhm, hey guys this is Rachel. Our very drunk friend." I said leaning over into my microphone.

I heard the crowd cheer and heard a few "hello's" being yelled.

"What are you doing on stage Rachel? I thought I left you with Cassadee from Hey Monday?" I asked again, wondering why Cassadee even took her eyes off her.

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