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Y/n Hargreeves POV:

"Lot of traffic right ma'am", the taxi driver woke me up from my tiny nap as I tried to follow him by looking out the window it sure was packed with police cars that to so close to my house, I was secretly praying none of my siblings were in fucking trouble as I'm too tired to save anyone at the moment, they will have to wait till tomorrow, sorry not sorry,

"I'll get off here, thank you", I greeted the driver and hopped out of the taxi, I walked into the house and was filled with dead silence, no sign of any other siblings or Pogo, but considering the time Pogo must have gone to bed and mother should be recharging, 

I walked up the stairs and while doing so my instinct just told me to check Five's room and so I did and I'm kinda glad that I did... 

Mom was sitting there, next to him tying a bandage around his stomach, "Mom, what happened?", I shifted my gaze from her to him and then back to her again, she smiled when she saw me,

"Oh I am not sure darling, your brother and sister got him to me", she went back to finishing up the dressing by putting on tape to hold the bandage in place, I slowly walked towards the bed, I don't know why but I was feeling a sort of numbness in my body, I was sad? concerned? scared?, "Is he gonna be fine?", I don't know why that question blurted out in the most desperate tone possible, what was happening to me??? concerned for someone whom I have called my rival for so long? No, maybe it's a sibling concern, but it sure doesn't feel like one...

"he's gonna be fine dear, also can you button up his shirt for me while I go keep this stuff in my drawer", she smiled as she turned away assembling her stuff... I gulped, why was I so nervous? I have seen him shirtless in the past, what is happening with these new stupid hormones dammit,

I slowly walked towards the bed and sat down where Mother was sitting, she had left the room now and it was only me and five left, I looked down at him, he was sleeping with the most peaceful look on his face, and his bare chest rising and decreasing rhythmically, like a child after crying, I wonder if he cried, looking at him sent a wave of calmness along my body and drooped down from my uptight position, I slowly bent ahead to button up his shirt and my hair fell over my face, but my focus was to finish buttoning up his shirt,

 as I reached the last button a hand slid up my face and tucked my hair behind my hair, I looked at him wishing it was not him which was dumb cause we were the only ones here but I still wished but boy was I wrong, there he was with the softest smile on his face staring up at me, his hand was still resting at the side of my face, 

"Hi", he whispered weakly yet smiling,

"Hi", I whispered back, this somehow made him tear up,

"I missed you", his voice choked, was he about to cry?

"I'm here now", that just came out, he just nodded and shut his eyes, his thumb was now caressing my cheek, and before I realized he pulled me in for a kiss, a passionate, deep, and what seemed like an everlasting one, I could feel all his emotions, I pulled back for some air and at that moment it felt like he told me what he couldn't have said through words... 

"You look pretty Y/n", I didn't say anything, "I'm gonna rest my eyes okay for a bit okay? Just don't leave... please", I nodded even though his eyes were already closed, why am I being such a kid? I turned my head away to the door, I felt tears coming in but I stopped them, crying is not it, and not right now, 

"Oh Thank you Y/n" " Mom walked in smiling as I buttoned up his shirt for her, "did something happen?", she asked looking at my face and the wetness near Five's eyes, she was not smiling anymore, "You know don't believe anything he says or does, he's on anesthesia", those words hurt me... I just nodded, she smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead before she left,

How could I be so dumb in thinking he would ever like me... He must have thought I was Dolores because of the stupid drugs, I sighed and plopped down on the best next to him, our kiss didn't affect me much anymore as he was not himself,

 I breathed a long and deep breath and exhaled in the same manner, I turned myself away from him and was now regretting my decision of leaving Klaus alone with Luther... they were still not back from that stupid club... Gah it shouldn't be taking this long, I was about to get up and leave but my body didn't help me out in this, it gave up and I had no other option but to just lie there and call it a night, so I did...-

KLAUS Hargreeves POV:

Woah... that was an experience...

I was still at the club but on the floor, my talk with Dad was not as helpful as I would want it to be all he did was confuse me even more... my head ached after coming back from the world of the dead mixed with the loud music, I dragged myself up and looked around, Luther wasn't there anymore, "Ah fuck", I groaned and headed towards the exit, 

"Klaus, where's Y/n", Ben filled my ears with worry as I stepped out, now that I think of it Ben was asking that since I woke up, 

"I don't know"

"Aren't you concerned?"

"She's 70 yrs old I'm sure she's fine"


"I need some rest Ben and she's a fucking assassin, we'll look for her tomorrow... okay?", he nodded, and we continued walking in silence.

FUN FACT: Grace was trained to be able to fix any kind of wound possible because of the dangerous missions Reginald put the kids through.

FUN FACT: Grace was trained to be able to fix any kind of wound possible because of the dangerous missions Reginald put the kids through

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I'm back bro's... sorta... very busy but I am trying..... 

this chapter might be not as good but pls don't kill me 

love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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