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"Micheal Green, you were the cab driver. Am I correct?" He nods his head. "Explain what happened on July 24th at 11:50 in the morning."

"Well, Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles had just come outside from the hotel. Mr. Styles saw me coming so he stood in front of my car and of course I didn't want to hit him so I stoped the car. The both walk up the car so I roll my window down.

Mr. Styles says that they need me to take them to the airport. I didn't think anything of it as they only hand one suitcase." The defendant cuts him off

"One suitcase you said. Did you see what it looked like?" He asked him.

Mr. Green shakes his head, "I didn't get a chance to see what it looked like when it was going into my car. Anyways Mr. Tomlinson then comes up to my already down window and says that they need to check out before they can come back to the car. I said ok and I still think nothing of it as they both walk off.

I waited there for at least 10 minutes before I went inside and asked about them. When I went in to ask about them I told the desk lady and she said that she had no idea who they were so she let me see all the people who checked in who look like I described.

I end up finding them and it says that the haven't checked out. I tell the lady that they left a suitcase in my trunk so we both go out there to open it. But when we open my trunk we see it and it has duct tape and a blotchy spotted red sheet covering it.

The girl goes back in and calls the police then comes back outside when they get there. The police open the suitcase and they find a body in it but they didn't know who it was."


"Mrs. Janice Williams, you are the front desk lady?" She nods her head, "Ok tell me your point of view on what happened."

"Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles had always been strange and it started right after the fight in the lobby. Like at 1:30 in the morning Mr. Tomlinson came down asking for some duct tape. I thought that was a weird request, especially at 1:30 in the morning. We have cameras in the room but we don't ever check them. Only to not invade peoples privacy.

Normally when it's my turn to check the security cameras it's morning but one of my co workers was sick so I had to do my security, and also take the night shift even though mine is in the evening.

I went to check the cameras at 10:30 a.m. I checked all the hallways from the time I wasn't there to now. One thing caught my eye on floor 3 at 12:50 a.m it was Mr. Styles with something in his shirt. I couldn't really tell what it was when I saw it but I knew it was something."


"With all the evidence that we have the jury finds the suspects..." The jury stands up.

The anticipation is killing me. "Guilty." The jury says finishing off the sentence.

I feel tear falling down my face and Harry grips my hand. "Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson you have been charged with first-degree murder and have been sentenced to 12 years in prison no bail." The judge bangs his thing.

That's it.


That is the END!!

I hope you like it!! I'm also going to be coming out with the epilogue (probably not) so I hope you like that too!! <33

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