The Seawitch's Regret (23)

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Tears of Regret

The sunlight blazes through the window reminding me every day passing, is every day closer to the wedding.

There were two sunrises left.

The people and staff here were at hast making all Lucino's dreams come true and breaking every maiden's wish:

Lucino will only marry one.

But if only he never wed.

If only everyone would see how I see him.

A part of me wonders, maybe this is all a misunderstanding and it is just jealousy clouding my judgement and fueling my anger.

Just maybe... I am different and it is a bad thing to many.

Maybe Levy is too.

So is Zestrella, but she's managed to hide it and that makes her better.

Because she won't get the hate or anger.

She won't get killed or hurt blatantly when not one knows her secret except those who share her same fate.

Levy is a mute and considered a retard, something that is frowned upon in this society.

But I refuse to give up nor let her be faced with that treatment.

She deserves better.

I'll kill Lucino and make sure those rules are changed.

And then we'll leave and travel the world forever.


"This is all my fault," I furrowed my eyebrows, looking down.  I clenched the knife between my fingers, but still, I sighed.  "I'm so sorry Levy," I said to no one in particular.

As far as I knew, Levy was still sleeping or just about coming to it.

I felt her move besides me.  I looked over and she had a sad expression that said, 'Don't blame yourself, it was I who wanted it,'.

"But..." I could barely look at her, "L-look what I done to you!  A-a-and now y-you'll soon be gone!" I cried out hugging her at once.

She gave me a weak smile and wrote, 'Don't be like that.  It's going to be okay.  No matter what happens I'll still be with you.'

I frowned, "How can you be okay with this?  I have to help you!  I cannot live with myself if you die.  If you die, I rather be dead myself.  I have no other reason living for!  Can't you see that?" I frowned, tears pouring down my face at this rate and I didn't care,
        "I'm the one who made you like this.  Ever since then, I had this odd feeling something was going to happen terribly wrong and it has."

Her eyes widen in shock, 'How could you?  Lehz, I want you to live.  Live for yourself.  Live free for once doing everything you'd always wanted to do.'

"I can't.  How can I go anywhere without the guilt?  How can I when all I remembered was doing everything with you?  I hate being alone, but above all I hate doing anything without you." I looked down again,
         "And how can I tell Laiken his sister is dead and no longer lives if I ever go back to the sea.  I can't.  The other day I saw him and Lysandria.  I promised him you'll be alright.  Guess I lied.  Because you're refusing to do anything.  Why can't you just kill him?  After what he's done to you, don't you think he deserves it?"
       I laughed dryly, "Who am I to be kidding?!"

Levy gave me an angry look and she frowned at me.  'Don't you dare try to guilt trip me!  I know what I am doing isn't exactly fair to anyone but it is my choice.  I don't deserve to live if someone else has to die in my place that is not supposed to. 
          Besides I will be happy for Lucino if he has found someone who has made him, in fact, happier than he could ever be with me!' She wrote furiously and fast.  Her handwriting became a bit messy with how upset she was getting.
        'So Lehz, tell my siblings good bye for me.  Tell them I'm sorry for not being good enough and being so different.  Tell them I'm sorry that whenever I had my voice, I felt that everything I said was ignored.  And, Lehz, I do hope you'll still find joy in your life without me by your side...' She wrote the last part more calmly.

The Seawitch's Regret: A Little Mermaid Retelling ✅Where stories live. Discover now