The Seawitch's Regret (26 B#1)

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A Forgotten Fairytale -Post Story #1

There was a strange sound.
Every so often I'll hear a beeping.




I couldn't see.
  I wasn't sure what was going on.
And I had no idea where I am.

Suddenly a bright light came.
I shielded my face.

When my eyes adjusted, I saw a woman with long dark curly hair.

Near the woman was a man with crimson red hair.

"Levias?  What truly did happen to her?" The man asked me.

Where did I hear that name before?

I widen my eyes...
That's right.

I killed her.

Darkness was shown on my face as I remembered everything.

"YOU!" I screamed at the red haired man.  I recognized him as Lucino.  "YOU CAUSED HER TO DIE!  If you didn't I would... I would... I deserve to die for my crimes." I cried out. "Kill me.  Please... I beg of you.  I have nothing left to live for."

"Tell me what happened first and we may grant you your wish," Lucino turns to me with a smile.  "And the whole story."

I nodded, "Alright.  It started from the sea.  In the beginning there were mermaids.  Mermaids were told to be pretty, but they feared one thing.  The magic of the deep sea clan, Ardizevepas."

"It was purely superstition, but that didn't matter...  And about maybe a thousand years ago a nestling of Ardizevepas was laid.  I was part of that."

Then several hundred or so years later a mermaid princess was born.  Levithias, or Levias as she likes to be called... For all but me and this is her story not mine...." I trailed off as I continued tell the story.

"... But one day I was provoked and felt I didn't deserve her..... I helped the two mermaids that tricked me into sinking the ship... I spelled her to become a human for a love she claimed... I wanted to save her no matter what the price was... And then she turned into seafoam." I looked up after finishing my story.

Zestrella was crying.

"You can't die," Zestrella announced, "You can't give up like this.  Live your life so you can cherish her and what she brought to you.  Levias wouldn't want this."

I stared at them.

They wrote down everything I told but it was useless.

I was still here.

I didn't know what to do.

The marriage was fake.

It was only for looks.
Lucino surprisingly enough let Agatha worked as her personal servant.

And it was like they two were married.

And only when they need to show an heir, will they ever commit adultery.

Only for looks, they made themselves appear together but that was just as rare because only the king rules.

Because the Queen only stayed in the bedroom, but little did anyone know it wasn't the king who joined her but a female personal servant.

I didn't have the heart or energy to kill them.

I often wondered around not knowing what to do.

Then I found myself at the beach where I first went to the land.

The Seawitch's Regret: A Little Mermaid Retelling ✅Where stories live. Discover now