Fairy Princess

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One upon time in a faraway land called Fairleigh live a fairy princess called Gina who lives with her parents and two brothers who are much older than her always protect her of all times when they leave the castle premises with guards around them because she's so beautiful and brave  when she's in danger she use the power of water to fight against our enemies at all times when at the battle in the battle field.

Her family loved her very much because of her kindness and generosity towards them and her neighbours.

One afternoon Gina was going for a walk by the stream when something caught her eye by the trees and shrubs there was a beautiful white Union drinking water from the stream she can tell it was very thrisy maybe the union came from a long journey and needed a place to rest.

So she walked very slowly towards the unicorn when it saw her the unicorn was about to run away when Gina came close and her " don't worry I won't hurt you, please let me help you go home, she told the unicorn in a whisper.

The unicorn because comfortable with the princess and walked towards limping on one leg.

When the princess saw the unicorn she ran to it side and used her other power healing,she put her hands on the injury leg and the cut was healed in a second.

When the unicorn saw she can walked she ran towards the princess and gave her a hug without running away.

The princess was admiring the unicorn head to toe , her maine had different colours of the rainbow, she was white as snow her horn had sparks around she realized it was a magical Unicorn with a brown cone on its head how it was sparking like stars.

Gina went to the unicorn and wrisper into her ear and said " you and I will be great friends, " I will call you Mabel, " I promise I will take good care of you and protected you so no one will hurt you while I'm with you.

The unicorn nodded in agreement and gave her a hug with so much love and affection.

Gina smiled at her returned the hug back to her.

After they hugged she climbed on top of her and started riding together in the forest as close friends.

While riding she saw her good friend Annie riding her horse when she saw Gina she gave her a wide grin.

"Hey Gina how are you? Do you have a new horse she asks her with wide eyes.

"No it's not a horse it's a magical Unicorn with rainbow hair I found it at the stream drinking water from a long journey she told her with smiles on her face.

"Wow she's beautiful can I pet her ! She asked her with excitement.

Gina said "sure you can she won't hurt you she very kind and generous.

So Annie stoke it's rainbow hair and kiss her on the forehead and pat its neck with passion and told her you are a beautiful white unicorn take good care of her and protect her always no matter where she goes you should be there  be there for her.
She wrisper right in her ear and told her that they should go home as soon as possible before night fall so the two friends left with their horses and walked straight home to the palace.

When they finally arrived home her parents were waiting for her she explained to her parents why she was late and explain to them how  she came across the unicorn and saw that it was hurt so she placed on the beach and told them everything how she met the unicorn while she was walking she stopped on her tracks and saw the unicorn looking at her while drinking from the stream.

The king said " wow that's awesome! I never seen a unicorn as beautiful and smart as this one.

"When I was a teenager I never seen a unicorn but today its the first time  I ever saw one so you can keep it but on one condition you take good care of care and feed it very well so it can stay healthy the king told her.

Gina " really thanks dad , I promise to keep good care of Mabel" she told her father in a whisper.

" Alright good girl  Gina I'm proud of you her mother said.

"Good luck taking good care of her her brothers told her as well.

So Gina bowed her head to the king and queen and left with her brand new magical Unicorn.

So for many years the magical Unicorn and the fairy Princess became friends for a long time and became warriors for life in wars and battles against their enemies side by side forever.

" The End!

" The End!

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