129. the lemonade

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cxxix||the lemonade

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cxxix||the lemonade

Halloween had come and gone and Maria was beginning to realise how much she just wants to stay in their current situation forever. Sirius' twenty first birthday is tomorrow and they've planned him a surprise birthday party at, of course, the Potter Manor. Maria, Lily and Remus did most of the planning whilst James looked for stupid things to buy for his best friend; accidentally wandering into a sex shop with three month old Harry in his arms.

Regulus, who was with him at the time, hadn't bothered to warn him, just wanting to see the look on his face when he realised what was actually sold in a sex shop.

Maria is sat in a coffee shop with Remus and Lily, going over the plan for the party. They planned for Maria to go to Sirius, Remus and Peter's flat and day she'd forgotten her jacket last time she'd visited — which Remus will plant on the coatrack later this evening. They'll all completely ignore that it's Sirius' birthday, and she'll ask him if he wants to come around for tea.

It was an almost foolproof plan. Of course, there's always the chance that Sirius will dramatically announce it's his birthday, or just sulk all day. But they're hoping he doesn't.

"How do you even cope living with him?" Lily shakes her head as she questions Remus who simply shrugs his shoulders. Honestly, he doesn't know the answer to that himself. "It must be like living with an animal."

"It is." Maria smiles sarcastically and Remus snickers. Obviously, she was never against Sirius living with them, considering his situation back home. But did he seriously have to run into her room every morning of the holidays in fifth year and throw a glass of water over her? No. "I hope he has fun."

"Trust me, he will." Remus chuckles. "It's free alcohol, loads of random people and there's music. And everyone will have their attention on him."

Maria smiles, knowing Remus is right when she looks past Lily's face at the door of the shop. She frowns when she sees familiar masses of black curly hair turn away from the shop and hurry away.

"I'll be right back."

"Wh—are you okay?" Remus asks her quickly, frowning at her as she abruptly stands up.

"Yeah, just need some air." She smiles reassuringly at the mousy haired man who leans back in his seat in defeat.

Strolling outside, Maria feels a rush of the cold Autumn wind blow her hair behind her and she walks down the muggle street, looking around for the woman who'd hurried away.

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